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Hello, everybody. My name is XXX, I am nineteen years old. This is the second year that I have been studying in my university. My hobby is playing outdoor sports and I'm crazy about tennis. For my part, outdoor sports are the best aerobic exercise, so I almost dedicated all my spare time to paly tennis. Mybe we can become good friends If you have the same interest with me. My ideal job is to be a teacher in the future in that I think teacher is a repectable profession, and I like teaching. A good teacher can cultivate many outstanding students and that will make feel a sense of achievement. OK, thanks!e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6333
                   Liu Xiang(刘翔)e68a84e8a2ad7a686964616f364Liu Xiang (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a Chinese hurdling athlete and Olympic gold medalist who holds the current world record in the 110 metres hurdles with a time of 12.88 seconds. CareerIn 2002, Liu launched his professional career by winning his first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne with a World Junior and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds (+1.6 m/s tail wind) in the 110 metres hurdles. Afterward, Liu chased down one of his heroes Allen Johnson, then the world number 1 sprint hurdler, for an autograph. When interviewed about the Athens Olympic Games two years later, Liu said he would be satisfied if he qualified for the finals.

On Sunday, I do find nosily kitchen and some vegetables haven't wash. I had a brainwave, thought, if I put these vegetables washed, mom doesn't just don't wash the vegetables?
I do it now, take a basket on the vegetables in pool, pool. I rolled up his sleeves, twist, to learn the mother of bibcock of water to wash up like began to pry pups dishes.
My first, and then rubbing hands with a green leaves to wash, even a little dirty things were not spared. Wash the washing, I touched a soft and fluffy. My hands like shock as retracted. Ah!e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94337 Look, don't know a fright, is a big leaves on the nutritional "bath" enjoy the fun of. Frighten me to throw off to the leaves. Look out of the leaves, I thought: mum, do not know to wash vegetables undertakes met much larger, but mother always easy-going nutritional picks up the big nutritional throw it, continue to wash dishes. I like a coward. I took courage, courage, and picked up the leaves, the big throw away, one foot nutritional. At this time, although I was goose bumps, but I really like a very happy. I hum a tune to wash dishes.
Look of vegetables lying in the basket, I happily jumped up and down, and finally help mum and dad did little power.




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