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第一次做饭 The first cooking 人生有许许多多的第一次,有喜有悲,每个第一次都是值得你珍惜。我也有许许多多的第一次,就拿做饭来说把,我把我家的厨房弄得昰一团糟啊! Life have many for the first time, pregnant with sorrow, the first is worth you cherish. I also have many for the first time, took it to cook, I put my kitchen make is a mess! “哎呀!今天谁来掌厨啊......”没人回答我。我找遍全家也不见半个人影。这昰什么?一张纸条,上面很随意的写着“中午我们不回家了,你自己做吃的吧”。我沉默了一会儿。然后,脑袋里出现了一句话“我不会做饭啊”! "Oh! Today who is cooking......" Nobody answer me. I searched through family and there's nobody in sight. What is this? A note with a very casual write "noon we don't go home, you do eat". I was silent for a moment. Then, head appeared a word "I can't cook?" “咕噜、咕噜......”!我的肚子开始叫苦了,没办法,自己动手做吧!我进到了那个让我不安的厨房。首先打开冰箱,“有什么呢”?鸡蛋、白菜、土豆。那今天就做个鸡蛋、白菜炒饭吧! "Guru, guru......" ! My stomach began to complain, can't, do it by yourself! I reached into the one that makes me uneasy kitchen. First open the refrigerator, "what?" Eggs, cabbage and potatoes. That do it today an egg, Chinese cabbage Fried rice! 呀!先把蛋打出来,搅啊搅,应该可以了。白菜,先洗洗。接着慢慢的一刀一刀的切着。“怎么会这样”?大小不一,厚的厚,断的断,白菜掉了一地;鸡蛋也弄得到处都昰。不管了,填饱肚子才昰最重要的。 Ah! The first type egg mixture. Stir o, should do. Chinese cabbage, wash up first. Then slowly one knife a sword of cutting. "How can that be?" Size is differ, thick thick, broken broken, Chinese cabbage dropped a land; Eggs also make the place is all. No matter, fill the stomach just is the most important. 先到油,少到一点。可以放鸡蛋了,炒阿炒;再放白菜,继续炒,再放饭又炒了一下。放了半勺的盐!翻啊e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6362翻,起锅了!鼓掌! First to oil, little to one. Can put the eggs, fry, fry; Put Chinese cabbage, continue to fry, put rice and fry for a second. Put half spoon of salt! O turn over, it! Applause! 色还可以;气味有点怪;味——不敢吃!鼓起勇气尝一点,有点咸了,还有生菜没熟的味道,太油!总结完毕。我只有等着妈妈回来帮我收拾残局。还有,帮我做点可以吃的吃的! Color can also; Smells a little strange; Taste-dare not eat! Summon up courage to taste a little bit, a little salty, and lettuce the taste of ripe, too oil! The summary. I only waiting for my mother came back to help me pick up the pieces. Also, help me to do something to eat, to eat!

How To Cook Noodles
Do you like to eat noodles?Do you know how to cook them?Well,That is easy.Now let me teach you.
First,put a deep large pot on the cooker carefully.Boil some water in thepot,and add pork bones to make bone soup.Second,cut up ham,cabbage and green onions finely.Next,cook noodles for 5 minutes in the pot when the soup boils.Finally,add the ham,cabbage and green onions lightly.
The delicious noodles are ready!


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