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How to Narrow the Generation Gap?

The generation gap is a common problem.How to Narrow the Generation Gap?

I think there are some ways to solve this problem. First of all, parents try to understand their children. Secondly, children can not be wrong to think that parents do not help them. You know, parents always give the best to their children. Third, both sides should learn how to get along well with each other.
Only in this way can the generation gap be narrowed.

How to reduce the generation gap
Parents and children grow up in highly dissimilar conditions and have different roles in life; therefore,they tend to have very different opinions on many issues.To minimize this generation gap,three aspects are essential - commitment,communication and understanding.
Commitment means each person gives this action sufficient time regularly and they all agree to reduce this difference between the generations.Communication does not just mean talking to each other; it means that each should listen to what the other person is saying.Try to find out the real intent and not react too quickly to unpleasant language.Understanding means trying to see a situation from the viewpoint of the other party; when this is practised often enough,you begin to understand what a person in another generation is trying to say.
By giving enough time to communicate and try to understand how the other person sees things,the generation gap can be reduced over time.(156 words)
父母和子女成长在很不相同的环e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e332境,在生活中也扮演着不同的角色,因此对许多事物往往有相左的看法.减低代沟有三个要素 - 决心、沟通和理解.


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