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Dear XXX;
Thanks a lot for your inviation to join the New Year Party with your classmates together.
I'd love to,but my family decided to go to Hong Kong for our new year travel.I feel so sorry
that I cannot go with you.
thanks again!

Hello, everyone!I am Li Tao.I'd like a glass of milk and some bread for
breakfast. I often have beef noodles for lunch, and I also drink a bottle of
orange juice. I have supper at home. I want to have rice,soup, meat and
vegetables for supper. I have a healthy diet. Do you think so?

In the long history of human society, our brave, wise and industrious ancestors created colorful civilizations. With the passage of time, these have become the history of civilization, and some have been inherited from the endless, and some mingled with a new civilization. Today, human civilization is undergoing profound changes. Scientific and technological progress and economic and cultural exchanges between different civilizations and to shorten the distance. Whether in Paris, the Champs Elysees in Beijing's Changan Avenue or, we can see different clothes, different colors, different Native people remains one. Whether in the East or the West, people's exchanges like this has never been closer, the factors which affect people's daily lives are no longer confined to a certain kind of culture. Culture is the soul of a nation, which she is the basis of survival and renewal. Whether the Chinese nation or the French nation, we each inherit and carry forward the national culture is the root, the state of the soul. Cultural diversity is an important characteristic of human civilization. Cultural diversity of the human society, just as biological diversity of the natural world, is an objective reality. Only by respecting the diversity of cultures can make to the development of human civilization
At the height of the development of human civilization, we should give top priority to peace. Between countries of different civilizations is not possible to peacefully coexist? The answer is yes. We live on this planet, there are more than 60 million people, over 200 countries, more than 2,500 ethnic, multi-lingual 6000, Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism and Taoism and other religions. It is these different civilizations interdependence, mutual exchanges, learn from each other, Xiangyang Light before today is a colorful world. China since ancient times and for you to, and different, and it is biological thinking. "Harmony" that is to say, between countries, between peoples, between the people in solidarity, friendship as the highest realm, "" and where that is a country and a nation can accommodate different civilizations exist, but also to retain its own outstanding traditional culture, "and it is biological," that is to say, only between different civilizations absorption reference to the new heritage, and promote the progress of civilization. "And the" traditional Chinese culture is the basic spirit of the Chinese nation is unswerving pursuit of the ideal state. As early as over 1,000 years ago, and China's Tang Dynasty is very active on the foreign exchanges. Tang contacts with the world countries have more than 70. Silk Road on peace missions, caravan stream. At that time, on the dissemination of Chinese culture to the East Roman Empire, the Arab countries, while Tang Dynasty dance, music, painting, food, clothing, religion also absorbed the essence of the foreign culture, the Chinese civilization to a new peak.
Building harmonious society




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