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here are some tips from an article entirled Bridging the Generation Gap that might help.Show respect,an attitude of respect and trust can be contagious.Listen more than you talk.Questioning can sound like interrogation. Ask whether your child wants to hear it before sharing your point of view.Keep calm.You can easily destroy your credibility by getting angry or too excited during a conversation.

My View On Generation Gap
Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. It refers to the communicative barrier between different generations, especially between parents and their children. With the development of the society, this problem becomes much more obvious.
There are a variety of reasons that lead to generation gap. The key one is the fast-growing society. Different generations play different roles in the society. The different experience ends in their different views. The old generation is conservative, while the young is liberal. Hence the conflict exists.
To narrow the generation gap, we are required to pay much more attention to communication. We should open our hearts and try to understand others. In addition, we should follow the rhythm of the times to enjoy the new ideas, new conception, and new things!e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e334 Then we will find that generation gap is not a terrible thing. In fact, we can benefit from it.

Generation Gap
At present, never is the issue concerning generation gap failing to attract our eyes. Many educators and parents present their opinions from different angles. As I see it, there are three following factors contributing to this risk and also,three solutions can be outlined respectively.
As for its causes, I think that three reasons are worth mentioning. To begin with, people receive different education and form different outlooks of the world. The education children receive today is different from that of their parents, thus causing that parents want their children to follow the traditional values as a rebellion, So, conflict between parents and children seems unavoidable. In addition, lack of communication also accounts for the fact. Many parents fail to realize the importance of communication and in their minds, children should obey them and it id natural. However, in children's minds, their parents do not value the modern development ,advanced technology, their real thoughts, to mane just a few, Both parents and children do believe that they themselves are right. In this way , they do not wangt to communicate with each other. Finally, it is due to the big influence of media which wsually exaggerates the importance of individuality that many children regard rebellion against their parents as cool and fantastic. Hence, misunderstanding and prejudice will be produced.
To sovel this problem,I do believe the following measures should be taken. First, parents ought to communicate positively with their children and give them more person-to-person services. What is more, a looser educational enviorment should be created in every family and free speech should be advocated. Last ,a range of knowledge should be given to children and they should be encouraged to understand their parents and think in their parents' positions.
In conclusion, only when these practical measures are taken will this problem be dealt with step by step and be gone with the wind.


  • 关于:代沟,的英语作文。要新写的、

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 越来越多的父母和他们的孩子正抱怨所谓的“代沟”,代沟使他们之间的距离变得很大甚至更大,写出你对代沟的观点。就是这样的意思。。。一定要加分。。。The generation gap The gener
  • 英语作文关于代沟

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 7a64e58685e5aeb9339Generation Gap  At present, never is the issue concerning generation gap failing to attract our eyes. Many educators and parents pr


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