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As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people. Food safety is very important for people.Nowadays, there are more and more food safety problems. Many people use bad substitutes for low-cost production. It scares us.We are all very worried about buying bad things, and businesses ignore our food safety for their own interests.

Nowadays, a lot of museums open to the public for free, However, it also brought some unexpected problems.First, museums open to the public the crowds in the museums may also cause security problems.

Food metal detectors metal detectors food biscuit cake food metal detector Huayi HY8814YJ
China's first DSP digital signal processing, high-power amplifier and other advanced technology, high sensitivity metal detector .
The only Asia's most advanced German technology, high-end alternative to Food metal detectors.
Quality assurance: Where to buy factory products have enjoyed a March year replacement and warranty and other services.
1 Food metal detectors metal detectors food biscuit cake food metal detector field of application:
1 Meat, bread, sausages, dairy metallic foreign body detection
2 food industry, plastics industry, the timber industry, packaging industry, other industries plate chain design for frozen products and seafood as well as special industry products.
(2) Food Food metal detectors metal detectors biscuit cake food metal detector features:
Metal detectors principle: the use of alternating current through the coil, resulting in a rapidly changing magnetic field. The magnetic field inside the metal object can be an eddy current can be induced. Eddy current will produce a magnetic field, the magnetic field affect the original upside down, causing the detector beeps. Accuracy and reliability depends on the stability of the metal detector frequency electromagnetic launchers, general use from 80 to 800 kHz operating frequency. The lower the frequency, the better the detection performance of iron; the higher the frequency, the better the performance of the detection of high carbon steel. Food metal detector sensitivity of the detector increases with the decrease of the detection range, the sensor signal depends on the metal particle size and conductive properties.
Good mechanical manufacturing process: stainless steel probe and rack, a variety of protection class choices for customers, adapt to a variety of production environments conveyor anti-deviation design: the use of special anti-deviation conveyor design, effectively prevent rich belt deviation The peripheral interface (optional): You can configure the RS-485 data communication, PLC programming node, printer output, can provide real-time data for the production management system for remote control, analysis and monitoring, provide valuable retrospective information
(3) Food metal detectors metal detectors food cake cookies food metal detector performance parameters:
Huayi 8814 series metal detectors metal detectors food biscuit cake food food metal detectors metal detectors Huayi HY8814YJ
Model Type Standard models of non-standard (special specification)
Detection channel width (mm) 260 360 460 560
Detection channel height (mm) 60-150 80-150 80-250 80-350
Detection sensitivity iron ball diameter ∅ (mm) 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7
SUS304 stainless steel ball ∅ (mm) 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5
By Width (mm) 200 300 400 500
Power supply 220V 50HZ 200W
Sensitivity adjustment automatic digital smart debugging
No power source of interference testing conditions; no large movement of metal interference
1, the ball is detected, Fe and SUS 304 are placed on the surface of the conveyor. Detection sensitivity due to different products varies with environmental conditions.
2, special specifications can be customized according to customer requirements.
4. Optional reject device:
Efficient reject device (optional): can be equipped with stop arm, inflatable type, turn the plate, such as removing device pusher


  • 英语安全用电作文300词

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 安全是人们常常挂在嘴边的一句话,但它并不仅仅只是简单的一句话,它是生命的操纵师。如果你一不小心触放到它,它就会让你在生死关徘徊。所以,大家要提防着不安全的隐端,别


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