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Supervision needed for food safety
The "gutter oil" scandal has shaken public
trust in Taiwan food products. Weak government supervision and
over-reliance on the food industry's self-regulations are responsible
for the latest food safety scandal. Therefore, the food industry has to
be put under modern management and strictly monitored, says an article
in Beijing Youth Daily. Excerpts:

The Taiwan "gutter oil" scandal reportedly involves more than 971
local food manufacturers and 136 types of products. Worse, Chang Guann
Co, a well-known cooking oil supplier in Taiwan, purchased the recycled
oil to produce 782 tons of lard, 645 tons of which were sold to food
companies and restaurants, including some well-known ones.

Food safety supervision has been a major concern across the world for
almost a century. The situation on the Chinese mainland today is
similar to that in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, the United States and
Japan in the 1950s and 1960s, and Taiwan in the 1980s.

Seeing the temporary improvement in food safety standards in these
developed countries and regions, many free-market liberals concluded
that substandard and fake goods are usually the by-products of an
immature market and weak legislation is primarily to blame for the
immature market; undue government intervention in the market stalls the
legislation process, and the "invisible hand" of the market compels all
participants to be honest and self-disciplined in competition.

But the mounting food scandals in Europe, the US and East Asia in
recent years contradict this theory. Excessive obsession with
self-regulation is at odds with not only the greedy nature of
capitalism, but also the necessity and significance of government
monitoring of market players.

Hence, the most important lesson one can learn from the "gutter oil"
scandal is that, aside from market-oriented self-regulation and public
supervision, government monitoring of food products manufacturers is
mandatory to ensure food safety.




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