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求一篇食品安全的英语作文,高一水平就好,百词左右带翻译 ,期末考试要用,谢谢



He is legend
Jeremy Lin from Taiwan, for a typical ABC ( 在美国出生的华人 ).On the season as a top four player, Jeremy Lin will bring to the hitherto unknown height of Harvard University, has made the school in NNAA(美国大e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94364学体育总会) history the most victory.
After graduating from Harvard, Jeremy Lin took part in this year 's NBA draft, but fail in official nowhere, because the NBA player basically not Ivy League players have any hope.Don't give up the Jeremy Lin chose to represent the Mavericks in the NBA Summer League, and wizards champion John wall 's direct dialog, Jeremy Lin had13points and 4 rebounds, did not fall ahull, it gets people to sit up and take notice of him.
On July 21, 2010, Chinese genius, Harvard Jeremy Lin successfully landing NBA. He and Jinzhou warriors reached an agreement, both sides signed a two-year basic salary contract. At this point, Jeremy Lin became the first Chinese American history of the NBA player. Believe that he in the next competition will be more luster.


In the weekend, my friends and I decided to go to the park and have a picnic, to celebrate the end of examinations. We walked there since it wasn't very far and just as we were going to unpack the food, it started to rain. So in the end we all decided to go to my house, and had our picnic food there. Then we watched some Japanese animes, though it was rather boring as we've seen it all a dozen times. But there was really nothing else to do. At 5 o' clock, my friends went home with their parents. That weekend was the worst one in my life.
Last weekend, I was about to go outside to play when I saw my mother is busy with housework . She looked so tired, and I felt guilty. Therefore I made a determination to share housework with her. I was about to wash the clothes when my friend called me up and asked me to play with her. I told her that I would go on the condition that completing my washing. Then I go on washing .Only then did I realized it was such a tiring thing to wash clothes, and how tired my mother was. While my mother not only worked outside but also took the responsibility of our housework inside, however,she has never complainted about it. After washing I felt tired though ,my mother praised me ,and said that I was a good child. I felt happy.




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