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First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. Then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.(tell you a secret:I like it because it is cool in summer and warm in winter
Now,I will tell you more about my friends &teachers. Over here teachers are friendly to us,so we never say a bad word about them.Because of these,students can get good grades at my school.(Would you like to come?)
I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it.
振动梦想的脚步,去追! 蜗牛缓缓地向着金字塔copy的顶端爬行,纵然烈日当头,因为蜗牛相信,我虽然没有鹰的矫健,但毅力是我最大的天赋;蜘蛛没有翅膀却可以把网结在空中,因为蜘蛛相信,梦想是最好的翅膀;叶子在风雨中飘摇却依然坚守在枝头,因为...

My School
I study in the No. I middle school, where there are three grades and thirty-two classes. It is not big but very beautiful.
In the center of the school there is a new teaching building, which is very clean and beautiful. The lab building and the library are to the east of the new building. There all kinds of book in the library. You can enioy them as many as you like.
South of the new building lies a playground and it's very big. On the playground, you can have sports such as football. basketball. You'd better play basketball as there are four basketball grounds in our school, You can enjoy yourself very much.
There are many trees in our school.Grass is everywhere. In front of the new building there are two gardens in which, there are flowers of all colours.
We are studying hard in our school, Our life is happy and intcrcsting. I love our school very much.




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