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A级英语作文 !急急急!



Travel Spotlight : Hangzhou

It's known to all that Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful views.The people there are friendly and the environment there is clean and tidy.So it's suitable for people to live in such a city.

Every year a lot of tourists come to visit Xizi Lake and the views impress them a lot.They can see the views of the lake by boat.Can you imagine how interesting it is?And the food also tastes yummy. You could go to other places of interest such as Huanglongdong,Future World...

If you go there ,you will enjoy yourselves and the memory of this pleasant trip will last long.
Visit the Shanghai World Expo should pay attention to etiquette, not noisy, not slapstick. Should wait in line, not crowded, should be off the phone, eat, do not litter, pay attention to personal hygiene, clean attire
After eating, should be taken away garbage, not restaurants stay, no swearing, some of the exhibits will be a gift, remember to say thank y

尊敬的 XX先生/女士:
Honorable XX Sir/ lady:
You be nice!
Express sincere thanks for your attention a long time to our hotel and hold out. My store invite your participating in more stable than that X月X日 holds the night this year safe and sound hotel year meal meeting, is sincere! Hope that you can perform a few programs from the wound in meal at the meeting at the same time also.
Thank you!




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