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I have just left your fighting sons in Korea. They have met all tests there, and I can report to you without reservation that they are splendid in every way.
It was my constant effort to preserve them and end this savage conflict honorably and with the least loss of time and a minimum sacrifice of life. Its growing bloodshed has caused me the deepest anguish and anxiety.
Those gallant men will re
(一) 对立观点式

(1)给出两个对立的事物或者一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生支持一方并进行说明。 具体表述如下:

TOPIC: Some people like A; others like B. Which one do you prefer —— A or B? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.

(2)给出两个对立事物或一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生说明二者为什么不同或比较它们的优缺点,并给出理由。 具体表述如下:

TOPIC: Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.


1. 人们往往看到B的明显优点而忽视了它的缺点,同时A的内在优势没有被重视。

第一段:To choose A or to choose B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B while neglect the genuinely good aspects of A.

第二段:[For B, people are often driven to believe that / It is quite easy for common people to CHOOSE B because of the obvious reason that] ____________. (As a proverb says, "Everything has two sides".) Although B does have its seemingly profound advantages, in the meantime [there lie [harmful characteristics/ intrinsic drawbacks] in it such as ____________ / it can be achieved only conditionally because____________] . Some [people/experts] [maintain/warn] that____________. However, it is often overlooked [by the public/most people]. (Therefore we have no complete evidence to suggest that B is always better than A.)

第三段: Unfortunately, the innate quality of A is often underestimated.

或:What is more, if you notice the invisible benefits of CHOOSING A, you can understand A more deeply. Here I would explain a few of the most important reasons for choosing A. 第一点原因。第二点原因。第三点原因。(列举原因的句式见最后的“通用句型”)

第四段:Therefore from what we have discussed, we may safely come to the conclusion that CHOOSING AAA is a rather wise decision.

2. 选A还是选B的确是一个热门话题,我们来研究一下,A比B至少有三大优势:1,2,3.

第一段:There is no denying the fact that ____________(whether it is better to choose A or B) is a popular topic which is much talked about [not only by ____________, but also by ____________/by people across the world/ in a modern society].

或:There is no denying the fact that ____________(whether it is better to choose A or B) is a popular topic which has caused heated debate over a long period of time (because it affects everybody in his or her daily lives).

或:In a modern society, people are always faced with the dilemma of whether to choose A or B. This problem is a much-debated one in that it affects everybody in his or her daily lives.

或:(如果是针对某一事件的题目,不是什么popular topic)If ____________(it is announced that a new movie theater may be built ____________), I will not be surprised to see ____________ (whether it is better to choose A or B) become a popular topic which is much talked about not only by ____________, but also by ____________. Although it seems that [sometimes we can not tell which one outweigh the other between A and B / they normally coexist peacefully], they deserve some close examination. [If three criteria were taken into account in comparing these two, I would prefer A. / As far as I am concerned, I vote for the latter]. There are no less than three advantages in A as rendered below

Recreational activity

  e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94333In people’s daily life, there are various recreational activities apart from studying or working ranging from Karaoke or dancing to computer games or sports games.

  Such activities are beneficial as well as harmful to us if undertaken inappropriately. On one hand, recreational activities can help us to not only build our body and mind but also improve our communication and understanding with friends because most of these activities are done with others. On the other hand, if we spend too much time on singing, dancing or other games, we might fail to concentrate on our duties such as studying our working, which in turn may lead to further consequences.

  As far as I’m concerned, recreational activities should be done within a certain limit so that we can keep a proper balance between recreation and studying or working life.


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