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英语三级 作文 在线等



The sender: Mr. John Smith,
the sender email address:
recipients: Susan Zhang
recipient email address:
subject: booking air tickets and hotel reservation
email content:
John Smith would go to Guangzhou with urgency on a business trip tomorrow.Secretary, Susan Zhang, please be sure to book two tickets for tomorrow morning at 8:30 direct flight from Nanjing to Guangzhou. If the flight is full, please inform timely and change the flight as soon as possible. If everything goes well, he will stay in Guangzhou for two days, and please reserve two nights double room of Guangzhou Baiyun Hotel.
Thank you very much!7a64e58685e5aeb9337

Human Resource Manager
BCC Company
Applicationfor the Post of XXX Manager (Ref : nnnn)

Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is David Wang, xx years old. I read the XXXManager vacancy notice of your company from XX Newspaper on xx December 2013. Iam interested in applying the post.

I graduatedfrom XXX University in 2010 with a Master degreein Business administration. I work in YYY Company since December 2011 as anAssistant Manager in Human Resources. I gain ample experience in businessorganization , staff recruitment and administration . The YYY Company is aninternational firm which employs many foreign staff. My strong point is in communicationwith local and foreign personnel.

My detailedresume is attached with this letter. I believe my qualification and workingexperience suit the job requirements of the post I am applying for. I lookforward to have an interview opportunity to explain in more details aboutmyself to you for your consideration of the job.

You cancontact me on phone : nnnn nnnn , email : xxxxxx@e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e366yyy.com , or by post to thefollowing address : Flat A, 20/F., XXXTower, nn YYY road, Beijing.

Yours sincerely,

David Wang

〔题目要求〕A foreign delegation is to visit your university. You are assigned to make a welcome speech on behalf of your class. Now write a welcome speech to
1)express your welcome, and
2)make a brief introduction to your university.
You should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

〔参考范文〕A Welcome Speech一封欢迎词e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193332(107 words)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, please allow me to express the most heartfelt welcome to all of you on behalf of our Class One in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University. We have been looking forward to seeing you for long. It is a wonderful day today.
Now I would like to brief my university to you since I want to leave the most wonderful for you to discover. Tsinghua University is well-known both at home and abroad. If you want to meet distinguished scholars, please come to Tsinghua. If you want to meet the most industrious students, please come to Tsinghua. If you want to discover the most attractive campus, please come to Tsinghua. I do hope that you will enjoy your stay in Tsinghua.
Sincerely Yours
Li Ming

〔题目要求〕作文:学生是否应该学习英语?Why Do Students learn English?
〔参考范文〕English has been getting more and more popular in the last decade. Many countries have made English taught as the second language in schools. But why do students need English? If they do need, what do they need it for?

Different students learn English for different purposes. Most of the students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals and attend English lectures, while a few students use it to talk to English-speaking visitors, attend seminars, or write letters and reports.

Whatever the purposes are, one thing is certain: Students need English, and English teaching should be strengthened in universities. However, the current teaching methods should be improved and the teaching materials should be updated to satisfy their needs.

Dec. 13th, 2005


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