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龙井茶与虎跑泉的传说 传说乾隆皇帝下江南时,来到杭州龙井狮峰山下,看乡女采茶,以示体察民情。这天,乾隆皇帝看见几个乡女正在十多棵绿荫荫的茶蓬前采茶,心中一乐,也学着采了起来。刚采了一把,忽然太监来报:“太后有病,请皇上急速回京。”乾隆皇帝听说太后娘娘有病,随手将一把茶叶向袋内一放,日夜兼程赶回京城。其实太后只因山珍海味吃多了,一时肝火上升,双眼红肿,胃里不适,并没有大病。此时见皇儿来到,只觉一股清香传来,便问带来什么好东西。皇帝也觉得奇怪,哪来的清香呢?他随手一摸,啊,原来是杭州狮峰山的一把茶叶,几天过后已经干了,浓郁的香气就是它散出来了。太后便想尝尝茶叶的味道,宫女将茶泡好,茶送到太后面前,果然清香扑鼻,太后喝了一口,双眼顿时舒适多了,喝完了茶,红肿消了,胃不胀了。太后高兴地说:“杭州龙井的茶叶,真是灵丹妙药。”乾隆皇帝见太后这么高兴,立即传令下去,将杭州龙井狮峰山下胡公庙前那十八棵茶树封为御茶,每年采摘新茶,专门进贡太后。至今,杭州龙井村胡公庙前还保存着这十八棵御茶,到杭州的旅游者中有不少还专程去察访一番,拍照留念。 龙井茶(中国十大名茶之一)、虎跑泉素称“杭州双绝”。虎跑泉是怎样来的呢?据说很早以前有兄弟二人,哥弟名大虎和二虎e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193335。二人力大过人,有一年二人来到杭州,想安家住在现在虎跑的小寺院里。和尚告诉他俩,这里吃水困难,要翻几道岭去挑水,兄弟俩说,只要能住,挑水的事我们包了,于是和尚收留了兄弟俩。有一年夏天,天旱无雨,小溪也干涸了,吃水更困难了。一天,兄弟俩想起流浪过南岳衡山的“童子泉”,如能将童子泉移来杭州就好了。兄弟俩决定要去衡山移来童子泉,一路奔波,到衡山脚下时就昏倒了,狂风暴雨发作,风停雨住过后,他俩醒来,只见眼前站着一位手拿柳枝的小童,这就是管“童子泉”的小仙人。小仙人听了他俩的诉说后用柳枝一指,水洒在他俩身上,霎时,兄弟二人变成两只斑斓老虎,小孩跃上虎背。老虎仰天长啸一声,带着“童子泉”直奔杭州而去。老和尚和村民们夜里作了一个梦,梦见大虎、二虎变成两只猛虎,把“童子泉”移到了杭州,天亮就有泉水了。第二天,天空霞光万朵,两只老虎从天而降,猛虎在寺院旁的竹园里,前爪刨地,不一会就刨了一个深坑,突然狂风暴雨大作,雨停后,只见深坑里涌出一股清泉,大家明白了,肯定是大虎和二虎给他们带来的泉水。为了纪念大虎和二虎,他们给泉水起名叫“虎刨泉”。后来为了顺口就叫“虎跑泉”。用虎跑泉泡龙井茶,色香味绝佳,现今的虎跑茶室,就可品尝到这“双绝”佳饮。

West Lake Longjing Tea As a world-renowned green tea, Longjing Tea grows near the West Lake in Hangzhou.  Longjing tea has a history of more than 1200 years, which began in the Song Dynasty and flourished in the Ming Dynasty.  Longjing tea has won a high reputation and is very popular in China and all over the world.  The process of picking and making Longjing tea is very fine. In the past, it was picked by hand to ensure its high quality.  Now it is machining.  Longjing tea is a delicious beverage. West Lake Longjing tea, as the top ten famous teas in China, is extremely exquisite in tea planting, tea picking, tea drinking, etc.  The West Lake Longjing tea culture consists of many elements.

West Lake Longjing tea is closely related to local life and has penetrated into every corner of the city.

西湖龙井茶 龙井茶作为一种7a686964616fe58685e5aeb9334享誉世界的绿茶,生长在杭州西湖附近。龙井茶有着1200多年的历史,始于宋朝,盛于明朝。龙井茶赢得了很高的声誉,在中国很普遍,流行全世界。龙井茶的采摘和制作过程都很精细,过去以手工采摘,以确保其保持高品质。现在是机器加工。龙井茶是一种美味的饮料,西湖龙井茶作为中国十大名茶之首,从种茶,采茶,饮茶等方面都极其讲究。由诸多要素构成了西湖龙井茶文化。


Longjing Tea, West Lake Dragon Well Tea

As a type of green tea gaining a great reputation all over the world, Longjing tea grows near West Lake, Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province, and is characterized by its green color, delicate aroma, mellow taste and beautiful shape.

With a long history of over 1,200 years, Longjing tea was named after the Dragon Well in Longjing Village which lies at the north-west foot of Wengjiashan Mountain in the west part of West Lake.

Thanks to Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty , Shifeng Longjing tea has earned a high reputation. The legend went that the Emperor Qianlong visited Lion Peak Mountain during his Hangzhou travels, and he saw some ladies picking the tea at the foot of the mountain. He was so interested in their movements that he decided to have a go himself. While picking the tea, he received the news of his mother’e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94365s illness, so he carelessly put the leaves in his right sleeve and left Hangzhou for Beijing. He visited his mother immediately upon his arrival in Beijing, and Empress Dowager smelt the fragrance of the leaves from his sleeves and wanted to have a taste. Emperor Qianlong ordered it to be brewed for her, and she found herself completely refreshed after drinking a cup of tea, and she even praised it as a remedy for all ills. From then on, Shifeng Longjing tea was listed as the tribute tea especially for Empress Dowager.

Both the picking and making processes of Longjing tea are elaborate in order to make sure it retains its high quality and original flavor, according to which Longjing tea is classified into six grades . Much importance is emphasized on the timeliness of the leaves being picked, and the tea leaves which are picked before the Qingming Festival or after the Grain Rain Period are considered to be the top grade, while the ones picked before the Grain Rain Period or after the Qingming Festival are considered worthless.

Longjing tea is a delicious beverage with potential health benefits owing to its rich antioxidants; however, it’s also rich in caffeine which could deleteriously affect some tea drinkers.


  • 关于龙井茶的英语作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 龙井茶与虎跑泉的传说 传说乾隆皇帝下江南时,来到杭州龙井狮峰山下,看乡女采茶,以示体察民情。这天,乾隆皇帝看见几个乡女正在十多棵绿荫荫的茶蓬前采茶,心中一乐,也学着
  • 作文家乡的龙井茶

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • West Lake Longjing Tea As a world-renowned green tea, Longjing Tea grows near the West Lake in Hangzhou. Longjing tea has a history of more than 1200


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