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Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage. Advantage of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when it was connected to independent world such as download data, programs, game, picture etc. But Internet has risk to receive spy ware, it attempts to disable or delete anti-spy ware tool and suppress warning massages given to users, it damages your data or system in your computer. Moreover, you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially women. You can found the crime news on the newspapers. The news said they have many victim from chatting with unknown people by the victim were believed implicitly. In conclusion, many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable. 互联网是一个国际计算机网络连接其他网络和计算机公司,大学等。目前,大多数的人会使用电脑工作,聊天,玩游戏,看电影和图片,并点击搜索任何互联网。互联网是一种有用的辅助引导你到另一个世界的神奇的东西。我认为因特网有优点和缺点。利用互联网,你可以做任何你想在互联网上时,连接到独7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e332立的世界,如下载数据,程序,游戏,图片等,但互联网风险接受间谍软件,它试图禁用或删除反间谍软件工具和制止警告给用户,它损害您的数据或系统在您的计算机。此外,你有可能找到坏人聊天,在聊天室特别是妇女会受欺骗。你可以发现犯罪新闻的报纸。新闻说他们有许多受害者和不明身份的人聊天。总之,许多人仍然使用互联网,因为它是有用的和舒适的。


在一次主题为“电脑时代”的学校征文活动中,你计划以“The Computer”为题写一篇文章参加评选,你的辅导老师帮助你制订了e68a84e8a2ad7a686964616f334一个写作纲要,如下:





The Computer

The computer is widely used in all phases of society. In industry, business, education, medicine, nearly all walks of life, computers have made their appearance, providing great speed and accuracy for our work. Computers have been used in the home, offices, laboratories and research institutions, functioning as the most efficient and versatile instruments for calculating, sorting, filing, recording and distributing. Computers are indispensable to modern civilization. Without computers, our life and our society will undoubtedly suffer a big regression.

During the past five decades the computer has been rapidly advanced. Ever since the computer came into being, it has experienced the development of several generations, which are based respectively on vacuum tube, transistor and integrated circuit. Early computers were of great size, and had no match for the latest electronic computers in speed and accuracy. The Latter is capable of processing the most complicated information and reaching solution to problems in a fraction of time. At present, efforts are being made not only to bring the hardware to perfection, but also to improve the quality of the software.


Computers must be instructed and programmed by people. In spite of the remarkable skill of the computer, men can never become its slave. Computers are not creative. They work according to men's instructions. So the development of computers and their use will depend upon the ingenuity of men. Although there are times when computers seem to operate like a mechanical “brain”,their achievements are not comparable to what the minds of men are able to do
The Impact of Internet on Interpersonal Communication
When I first set my eyes on a father and his daughter, I heard the father ask about his daughter's school life.To my surprise, the girl told his father to read her blog so that he can get what he wants.
Now, the Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has influenced us a lot, especially on our interpersonal communication.
For one thing, the Internet makes the interpersonal communication more convenient.We can contact with each other no matter when and where.The Internet makes full use of time and space.What’s more, we can also share our daily life and knowledge through QQ, MSN, and blog with others.For another thing, the Internet speeds up our interpersonal communication.We can save time to do our work.However, the Internet also brings about many problems, such as safety problems, cheating and so on.Many people spend too much time on the Internet, and they don't have time to interact with person in real life, which result in the absence of ability in communication in reality.
It has both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Internet.We can get to the problem in our work and study.Last but not lest, we have to talk with people and develop our ability to communicate in reality.

We build computer to solve problems.Early computer solved mathematical and engineering problems,e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb9361and later computers emphasized information processing for business applications.T-

oday,computers also control machines as diverse as automobile engines,robots,and microwave ovens. A computer system solves a problem from any of these domains by accepting input,processing it,and producing output. Fig. 1-1 illustrates the function of a computer system.

Computer systems consist of hardware and software. Hardware is the physical part of the system. Once designed,hardware is difficult and expensive to change.




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