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Recalled the idea is that when the college entrance examination tension and excitement, prepared to take a test so nervous, so excited to show their efforts.
College entrance examination, is the pinnacle of my life, and cultural level. I do not agree with this. Because, we will learn more knowledge in the university.
After an entrance examination to determine the fate of life. My view is that China has a graet population, the college entrance examination is a fair game. Although some students may not play the usual level in the entrance. However, after the a entrance on the students would be able to enter university, reducing examination workload of the workers, but also to reduce opportunities for cheating in the review.
I think in the next few years, the college entrance examination system is hard for a larger reform. My suggestion is that the students to study hard and strive to defeat more opponents in the entrance.

University students are measured by test results. But I do think that bad. This may allow students to become very vanity, and proud. Develop themselves. Strive for grades. The test will only. Not really to acquire knowledge. However, no exam. Test results represent the strength of the students. No exams, students may not consciously learning. Nurturance dependent psychology, love learning. On examination, advantages and disadvantages. We should learn to adapt to test. The advantages of the examination for conversion.译大学都用考试来衡量学生成绩。可是我觉得这样做不好。这样可能会让学生变得很虚荣,骄傲。养成攀比的心理。只为成绩而努力。只会看考试排名。而不是真正为了学到知识。但是,没有考试也是不行的。考试成绩代表着学生的实力。没有考试,学生们可能会变得不自觉学习。养成依e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d83334赖心理,不爱学习。对于考试,有利也有弊。我们要学会适应考试。把考试的弊转化为利。

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  • 考试利弊的英语作文

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  • Recalled the idea is that when the college entrance examination tension and excitement, prepared to take a test so nervous, so excited to show their e


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