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怎样为考试而准备 英语作文



drive over and have a talk with
Niedermann. He isn’t one of us,
and he doesn’t have a criminal
record. I

In order to study for a test, the first thing I have to do is to reorganize all the notes from the class. Then I will plan my time accordingly, balancing the time for study and rest. Time for entertainment is greatly reduced to make room for more revision. And sleep cannot be neglect since it's an important source for energy. Oftenly I will find a quiet corner in the library for study as computers and playstations at home could distract me. Also, I could call a good friend of mine to come to discuss with me about the test together, so we'll learn from eachother. This is how i study from the test, and is also I score in the exam.

Generally speaking , first you should Know what time the exam would take place. Why? Because you can plot a plan for yourself ,then in the countdown days you could know what exactly you need to do. To the plan ,you must make sure it can be achieved by the last day , also everyday you have enough time to handle it ,not just staying in your brain or paper, the final matter is once you finish your plan, i mean before the deadline you can achieve your goal,you need to reward yourself ,so in the Key day ,you would have guts to face the problems and overcome them all. After the exam you are the man in heaven for ever ,trust me ,you can made it , only thing ,you must raise your confidence and courage.




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