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biggest change in my life

I experienced the biggest change in my life when I was 14 years of age, which I think was and still is important to me. I have really changed. The way I act, my attitude and even the language I use every day has changed. First, it seemed to be strange and unusual, but after a year or so, it became normal to me.

Before I came to Ireland, I lived in Lithuania. It is situated along the Baltic Sea. I have lived there my whole life and I had no idea that I would ever change my home country. I had many friends there; I was involved in loads of activities after school, such as basketball, swimming, embroidery, sewing etc. so nearly everybody knew me.

When I was told that I would have to leave a country I never thought about leaving my best friends may be forever. I didn't understand the meaning of leaving home.

Our journey was about three days long because we weren't in a rush. Travelling throughout the different countries opened my eyes to a wonderful and beautiful world that surrounds us. Different countries have different styles of architecture. there is also different people which brings different culture. Those simple things around me changed my outlook on life. I never understood certain things before I started to travel but I surely do now. Even though my journey wasn't that long I managed to find few friends from different countries who spoke different languages. That felt great even though I didn't know the other language but we managed to communicate with each other.

When I came to Ireland, my first impression was wow!!e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94331 There are no high apartment buildings like in Lithuania, and all the buildings on the main street are different colours!� Ireland is beautiful itself; a lot of drumlins, mountains and a lot of green.

By changing the country I also changed the languages. I've studied the English language for two years before I left Lithuania, 3-4 classes a week. When I was there I thought I knew the English language quite well, but when I came here everything seems to have changed. I still remember the first day in school when girls in my class started to ask me questions can you tell me something about your country? Tell us more about yourself! but I was so scared I couldn't understand a word it was aid to me. I was so embarrassed I couldn't say a word to the girls. I was sitting in the same class for the whole day without knowing what was going on, or what subjects we had or when the break time was. I didn't know anything. In addition, I remember the girl from the next class asking me to go down town with them because I was so confused I didn't know what to say or what to do. All I could say was no I felt so bad when the same girl came back from her lunch and bought me some sweets and crisps. All I could say was no and then I said "thank you" This example shows how friendly Irish people are.

I should say I was lucky that I got extra English classes with one of our teachers which helped me a lot to learn the language. After a few months when I started to talk in English just a little bit I was embarrassed to communicate with people just in case I would say something wrong or they would not understand me. So I was just there sitting in the corner during the little break and doing my homework instead of talking with the girls and having a great time. I thought it was my fault that I didn�t have friends to spend my free time with. So I was sitting at home all the time. I know I wasn't supposed to do that because all the girls that I know are really nice and friendly.

Now I am really happy that I got a chance in my life to live somewhere else outside my home country. It made me more mature and understanding person.


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