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use computer regularly and just a short time everyday. Spending long time or without control before computer is not good to your heathy.2. use computer when it is in need. Teachers may ask to find some useful information or some problems is puzzed you by your homeworks, at this moment computer will be a good helper.3. avoid more games,musics, movies and chattings. This will squeeze study time out and still will make some problems betweem you and family.


On May 12, 2008, a shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province, China. The earthquake almost destroyed the whole of Wenchan county. It was a terrified day. Many schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers were buried in the rubble. The atmosphere in the disastrous area is bad. Dead bodies and injured people can be seen everywhere. Helpless people can be seen lying beside the collapsed buildings. Many people were injured and died, and thousands of children became orphans.


A major earthquake measuring 8.0 Richter Scale attacked Wenchuan County of Sichuan province at 14:28:04 on 12 May 2008. The epicenter of the quake was located 31.0 degrees north latitude and 103.4 degrees east longitude. It is believed to be the largest earthquake since 1949.

水电站 hydroelectric plant

次生地质灾害 secondary geological disaster

堰塞湖 quake lake,barrier lake,dammed lake

山体滑坡 mountain landslide

残奥会 Paralympic Games

生命探测仪 life detection instrument


You may never heard about WenChuan befor 12 May 2008, but the word "WenChuan Earthquake" will never be forgotten by the Chinese people.

From May 19 through 21, all national flags will fly at half-mast at home and Chinese diplomatic missions abroad. During this period, all public amusement will be suspended, and condolence books will be opened in China's Foreign Ministry and Chinese embassies and consulates around the world. At 2:28 p.m. 19 May, Chinese citizens nationwide will stand in silence for three minutes to mourn for the victims, while air raid sirens and horns of automobiles, trains and ships will wail in grief.


In many disaster films, helicopter is the first choice for rescue activity, and it is more grand today. As the hope of life, a helicopter is often called a "lucky bird".


This day is among the saddest ones which we could count by our hands in New China's history. The determination of converting sorrows into strength of all the Chinese people are rising:"China,come on!""SiChuan,come on!" No matter how future will be, the terrible disaster which happened this day ,will give the 70s,80s,and 90s a good lessen.


An air craftwhich which can take off and land vertically in a small area without the need for runways. The propellers is installed in the top of the helicopter, circumrotate flatly.


On 18 May 2008,the Sate Council of China declared the three days between 19th to 21st of May are set as official days of deeply mourning for quake victims.

重大自然灾害中紧急救援的常用方式,常带给受灾人们获救的无限希望,也被老百姓尊称为“吉祥鸟” 。

A common rescue way in great nature disasters, which brings suffers great hope, also called "lucky bird".

一群男女老少,从四面八方跑了过来,向着直升机,齐刷刷跪下。老人们在哭泣,含混不清说,“吉祥鸟来了,我们有救了。”-- 来源:四川新闻网

Running from eveywhere, women and men, olds and youngs, all fell on their knees toward the helicopter. The olds are crying and murmuring:"It's the lucky bird. We are saved."--from Sichuan News

fly a flag at half-mast



Flags were at half mast everywhere on the day of mourning for victims of Wenchuan earthquake.


How does a life survive an earthquake, especilly in the first 72 hours: dark, fear, hunger, hope,then lose hope and regain hope; in another point, worry, chagrin, then pray, boldness... Everyone is racing with the "72 hours", as it goes on...


unit of time, 3 mean solar days.

① 地震等重大自然灾害发生后抢救生命的黄金时间,也被冠以生命的“黄金72小时”。

The golden time in saving lives after nature disasters as earthquake, also called "golden seventy-two hours".

【例句】我们知道72小时的“黄金救援时间”,但我们宁愿相信超过72小时的等待和坚持,相信生命的顽强毅力。-- 来源:东方今报

Sample:we all konw about golden seventy-two hours of saving lives, but we would rather believe the waiting ,persisting and perseverance of life after seventy-two hours

② 灾害发生后救助生命的紧急性和迫切要求。

The urgency of saving lives after disasters.

【例句】黄金般的72小时!生命在等待,大地震救援行动规模在持续扩大,爱心、哀恸、感动、坚强、勇敢……在汇集与交织,礼赞生命。-- 来源:中国新闻社

Sample:The golden 72 hours! Lives are waiting, the rescue is extending. Love, sadness, moving, adamancy, braveness...are complecting and eulogizing the life.


show respect to the quake victims on the Internet Website

救援小组|rescue team 紧急救援|emergency rescue
帐篷|tent 救灾物资|disaster relief materials

灾民|victims of a natural calamity
幸存者|survival 受灾者|victims

“今天,我们都是汶川人。”这句话在短短两天时间内传遍中国的每个角落。捐款、捐物、祈福、不眠不休地关注汶川的最新状况…… 这一切一切都是希望做一个最合格的“汶川人”。

"Today, we are all WenChuan people",these words are spread over the country. Donation, material supporting, praying and cares about WenChuan every minute...All these are the activity to show ones capability to be a "WenChuan People".


People who were born in WenChuan and own a registered permanent residence inWenChuan.


People who care the suffers after the earthquake, and determine to help the local people in this hardest time.

【例句】“我们都是汶川人”,灾区的地震是全国的地震,灾区人民的痛苦是全国人民的痛苦。-- 来源:网易新闻

Sample: ''We are all WenChuan people", the earthquake is cared by the whole nation, and the pains of people who are suffering is also the pain of all people.--from the NetEase

爱心捐赠|the caring donation 捐款短信|the message of donation

救援|rescue 义务献血|donate blood 默哀|observe silence

震级|earthquake magnitude 赈灾晚会|fund-raising show


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