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(1) Do not panic
In the past, earthquake, occurred many times some people can not find the panic doors, mistaken the window when the door; some people to pull the inside door of the wearer's push it; there are people desperate jumping, etc., which lead to avoidable casualties, we can see that when an earthquake occurs, you can not panic, be calm calm.
(2) to take proper defensive measures
A. One was an earthquake, fire source should first be extinguished. To turn off the power, kerosene and gas stove, so as not to cause a fire.
B. When the earthquake occurred, if the residence in the cottage, should quickly drill down to the table, the foot of the bed or can not close the window. Or head bedding, pillows, cotton and so on. Even though the housing collapse, but also can reduce casualties.
Earthquake occurs, if in the building where the table that in addition to drill under the bed outside, but also hide the kitchen, bathroom and going, because the kitchen, toilets small hall, a larger number of support role. But do not go running to the balcony, because the whole building may be inclined roof terrace and ancillary buildings highly likely whereabouts.
C. Earthquake occurs, if in public places (movie theaters, dance halls, shopping malls), such as from the front door close, can quickly leave the house, to open at the shelter. As far away from the gate may be hiding near a large pillar or large goods next to (to avoid the product display case), or nothing toward the channel ran, and then bow down to crouch, waiting for the earthquake subsided.In the event of confusion, panic, people tend toward the stairs and escalators to the owner, then pay attention to the crowds not to get involved to prevent foot injuries Tasi.
D. If, unfortunately, is buried beneath collapsed buildings, the surrounding circumstances when inspections should be calm, considering local conditions of the escape method. Now, do not casually move next to obstacles, because the won a number of small obstacles, could fall even greater things to come.
If the beds, windows, chairs next to the space, you can climb over from below, or rub his back in the past. Such as the downturn, we should take off shirt, big belt buckle to the belt with a solution down the middle to avoid being tangled up in something.
The best way is to escape this time towards a place of light and air movement, the body will not be too nervous to relax, or else, through a narrow place is difficult.
Head first down the program, do not have the hands on the front, put a hand to the side of the body, it is necessary to prevent loss of balance measures. Alternating clinging to the chest with both hands, slid down with his elbow more better. Such as crawling down, support the body with his elbow alternately crawl as well.
If you find yourself unable to escape it, they should reduce physical exertion as far as possible, do not blindly cry and move. Patiently listening to the outside of the movement, when someone passed by, and then voices shouting or striking out ways to help.
A. 一感到发生地震,应首先把火源熄灭。要关闭电源、煤油和煤气炉,以免引起火灾。
B. 地震发生时,若在平房住宅里,应迅速钻到桌子下、床下或墙根下,e5a48de588b67a64365不可靠近窗口。或者头顶被褥、枕头、棉衣等。这样即使房屋倒塌,也可减少伤亡。
C . 地震发生时,若在公共场所(电影院、舞厅、商场),如距离大门口较近,可迅速离开房屋,到空旷处躲避。如离大门口远,可躲到近处的大柱子或大商品旁边(避开商品陈列橱),或者朝没有任何东西的通道奔去,然后屈身蹲下,等待地震平息。在发生混乱、恐慌的情况下,人们往往会朝楼梯和自动扶梯拥去,这时要注意不要卷入到人流中去,以免踩伤踏死。

If earthquake happened,firstly,don't panic and calm down.Secondly,find some safe place to stay and don't run in such a hurry.If in the room,one should hide himself/herself under something hard,such as desk,talbe or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard,and never take a lift to go downstairs.If in the open air,find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside.Thirdly,because when earthquake happen,there are also lots of other troubles to take place


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