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If earthquake happened,firstly,don't panic and calm down.Secondly,find some safe place to stay and don't run in such a hurry.If in the room,one should hide himself/herself under something hard,such as desk,talbe or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard,and never take a lift to go downstairs.If in the open air,find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside.Thirdly,because when earthquake happen,there are also lots of other troubles to take place,for example fire.So we should help each other when we meet trouble.At last,no matter how strong the earthquake is,if only we have the belief to defeat it and never give up,we must be able to overcome any difficulties.

Today,there are ways to protect and prepare possible sites of
earthquakes from severe damage,through the following
processes:earthquake engineering,earthquake preparedness,household
seismic safety,seismic retrofit (including special
fasteners,materials,and techniques),seismic hazard,mitigation of seismic
motion,and earthquake prediction.Seismic retrofitting is the
modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to
seismic activity,ground motion,or soil failure due to earthquakes.With
better understanding of seismic demand on structures and with our recent
experiences with large earthquakes near urban centers,the need of
seismic retrofitting is well acknowledged.
An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of Earth's rocky outer shell. Earthquakes are among the most powerful events on earth, and their results can be terrifying. A severe earthquake may release energy 10,000 times as great as that of the first atomic bomb. Rock movements during an earthquake can make rivers change their course. Earthquakes can trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. Large earthquakes beneath the ocean can create a series of huge, destructive waves called tsunamis (pronounced tsoo NAH meez) that flood coasts for many miles.

Earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Instead, many deaths and injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake. Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake.

The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. Powerful earthquakes can shake firm ground violently for great distances. During minor earthquakes, the vibration may be no greater than the vibration caused by a passing truck.

On average, a powerful earthquake occurs less than once every two years. At least 40 moderate earthquakes cause damage somewhere in the world each year. About 40,000 to 50,000 small earthquakes--large enough to be felt but not damaging--occur annually.

Today, there are ways to protect and prepare possible sites of earthquakes from severe damage, through the following processes: earthquake engineering, earthquake preparedness, household seismic safety, seismic retrofit (including special fasteners, materials, and techniques), seismic hazard, mitigation of seismic motion, and earthquake prediction. Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes. With better understanding of seismic demand on structures and with our recent experiences with large earthquakes near urban centers, the need of seismic retrofitting is well acknowledged.



  • 预防地震的英语作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • Today, there are ways to protect and prepare possible sites of earthquakes from severe damage, through the following processes: earthquake engineering
  • 在地震中如何保护自己?英语作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 地震来了,地震时最重要的是保持镇静,不要惊慌失措,不能失去理智,特别是不要恐慌copy,因为恐慌才是最大的危险。如果在室外应双手抱住头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险zhidao物


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