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关于My hobby我的爱好的英语作文



  1. My hobby


Everyone has his own hobby.I have many hobbies, too.I like singing, I like swimming, but my favourite hobby is making model planes.

每个人都有自己的爱好。我也有很多爱好。我喜欢唱歌, 我喜欢游泳,但是我最喜欢的爱好是制作飞机模型。

In my spare time, I read many books about planes. I collect many model planes.I build the model planes myself.They are made of plastic and metal.At first , it was hard to build.But I didn’t give up.I encourged myself.

在我的空闲时间里, 我阅读关于飞机的书, 我收集各种飞机模型。我自己做飞机模型。模型是由塑料和金属制成的。起初, 我自己制作有点困难。e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d83330但是我没有放弃。我鼓励我自己。

I joined a club.Sometimes we compete.When I won , I was so excited.

我加入了一个俱乐部。有时候我们比赛。当我获胜时, 我非常高兴。

It’s fun and exciting to build model planes.It makes my life happier.



my hobby


Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on.


I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don't like it.I can only learn from books.I couldn't get knowledge from others.I need a change.Traveling is my favorite hobby now.But I can't go traveling a lot.I can visit many different places of interest by traveling.I can learn a lot about people,places and history.It's very interesting.What is your hobby?Let's share each other!I have many good friends.They all have their hobbies.


Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book reading.Tony loves labour,and his hobby is gardening.He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard.Judy is a quiet girl.She likes knitting.She always knits some sweaters for her dolls.We have different hobbies,but we are good friends.


I love traveling.I have great fun in traveling


I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.
I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colourful and without time and space limit, Through reading, I can trace back. to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization. It can bring myself to the United states, a glamorous land I have been longing to visit. Secondly, reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon. In the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from books. I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on scithee, politics, life and society. Thirdly, reading bridge the gap between my dream and my goal. In ordcr to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practising.
Reading has become part of my life. Every day, I spend some time reading books, newspapcrs and magazines. At night, I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand.

My Hobby
I like drawing. It does bring me happiness.
As a kid, I was keen on those lines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes. It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings. And then I took a course so that I could get close to it and see it well. But at that time, I just did it for fun.
Years went by, I got into a long period of time filled with pressure in study. And I found it so good a way to relax. It did not any longer play an unimportant role in my living, but bacame my friend.
Since that time, I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life. This is my hobby, not just a hobby, but also a true friend.

My hobby

My hobby is lisetening to music.
I like listening to music best.Because listening to music makes me relaxed.When I am tired,I will listening some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very quickly.My favorite music is the music that has good lyrics.Good lyrics can also make me learn Chinese or English well
I love listening to music.I will keep this hobby forever.

My Hobby I have many hobbies, but my favorite hobby is reading books. When I was a small boy, I began to read books. From books, I know how to become a man. When others are in trouble, I should give them my hand, and try my best to help them, then I also feel very happy. When I meet some difficulties, I will not go back.. Because I know, I am a man, I should try to handle it by myself. So I stand, bravely and strongly. When I am free, I often read books. From books, I study a lot. I know how to behave well, how to make me stronger and better. Now, I am a middle school student. I will keep on reading.

My hobby
Every has his hobby,and I have my hobby as well . Maybe it's different from others, But I also have different experiences from others .
I love music all the time .When I was four or five years old,I started playing the piano . Alouth I had many difficults ,I have never given up, I believe "There is nothing difficult if you put your hurt into it" .As a result ,I had the highest Grade.
Hobbies can make us grow as a person ,develop our interests and help us learn new skillls. But remember not to spend all our time on our hobby ,Isn't it wrong ?

Hello! My name is XXX. 15 years old this year, I am very happy, because my birthday is coming soon! Every time I have friends to celebrate birthday I. We gather together happy to play, the faster I still can obtain some gifts, really is happy! I love my family, we all people, father is very busy with work but every time my birthday, he will help me to celebrate. I love him, I want to use my study result repay his kindness. Happy birthday, good looking forward to this!




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