中国自古以 农为本,以农立国。早在7000多年以前,原始农业已经出现了南北分野,北方以粟作为主,南方以稻作为主。农业生产有很强的季节性特点:春播、夏耘、秋收、冬藏,周而复始,年复一年。历法反映了农业生产规律,对指导农业生产起了积极作用,同时也为岁时节日的产生提供了必要的前提。有些节日如立春、夏至、立秋、冬至等,则是由节气直接发展而来的。 岁时节日与历日节气关系十分密切,但历日节气本身并非节日,除上述少数者外,只是为节日产生提供了前提,节日的形成还必须有一定的风俗为其内容。
中国是个多神信仰的国家,有些神话传说和历史人物被奉为神明加以崇拜和祭祀,由此而产生了一系列大大小小的民俗节日。节日是一个能动的文化因子,节日虽有固定的时间,但它的内容却处于不断发展和变化之中。 日常衍生近现代出现的节日,大多与环境和人文出现,适应人们日常生活衍生出来的节日,从一小部分人倡导,到后来广为流传。例如世界水日,时间眼日,315消费者保护节日。
Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25,the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival,every family will buy a Christmas tree,and put it in the middle of the living-room.And their houses look more soft and beautiful.
On Christmas Eve,children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them.In fact,their parents put the presents in their stockings.
How interesting it is!e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193331On Christmas Day,people say "Merry Christmas" to each other.
Janey:Nice day ,Mary !e5a48de588b6e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193363
Mary:Yeap ,Janey .
Janey:It's almost Chiristmas ,what's the plan
Mary:Aha ,I'd like a Red Christmas .
Janey:A red chiristmas What is that
Mary :Red means the Chinese style .
Janey:A Chinese Chiristmas?Em ,let me see…Dress very long clothes ,set off fireworks ,eat dumplings ,and … watch a kongfu movie
Mary :Ah ,no ,no ,not those ,those are just what we think of Chinese .The Chinese celebrate their spring festival ,which is from an old fairy tale .It's said that long long ago there was a horrible monster who came to eat human beings on the first day of a year ,so the ancient Chinese did their best to keep the monster away on that day ,later it became a New Year festival .
Janey:Wow !
Mary :On that day the Chinese come home and have a big dinner with all the family members ,and then have a good time together .Many people go outside to watch lion play and set off fireworks ,and wait utill 0:00 .
Janey:It semms you kown a lot about that .
Mary:Not really .The Chinese also put up red paper on their door ,which they think can bring good luck and keep away bad things .On the following days there are also markets and plays on the street ,attracting many children to watch.The adults also bring presents to meet their relatives and friends .
Janey :Oh ,that must be very interesting .So let me join it and let's celebrate a red Chistmas this year .