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As China becomes more integrated in the global community, western customs, together with western cummodities are imported into the chinese market. Western festivals, especially Christmas, gain popularities quickly among Chinese, especial the westernized new generation. The celebration of western festivals ignited heated debates.

Some argue that Christmas is overshadowing traditional festivals like the Spring Festival and it signals the destructive process of westernization among the Chinese and thus it should be condemned. However, I take a more optimistic stand on this phonomenon as it signifies China's opening up to the world and its readiliness to appreciate other cultures.

Moreover, we have our distinctive way of celebrating Christmas. Instead of going to the church like the Americans, we regard Christmas as an opportune time to shop and to enjoy ourselves, as many shopping centres offer discounts to attract costumers in Christmas season. As such, our values are not deeply altered by our celebration of christmas.

Nowadays, western festivals are popular in china, especially among teenagers who are interested in fresh things. That western festivals are more and more popular arouses hot discussion.

Some people take it for granted that this kind of phenomena is not good. It can bring much bad effects which we can not realize. They think we, as teenagers, are curious about western festivals and prefer spending time and money celebrating these foreign festivals rather than chinese traditional festivals. If we all focused on western festivals and ignored chinese festivals, our traditional festivals would not be developed further. However, there are some people holding that celebrating western festivals is beneficial to cultural communication. Not only can it enrich the life of our people, but also it can help us learn more about the world. Besides, when people celebrate western festivals, we can make comparisons between western and chinese festivals. By this way, traditional festivals may be developed into multilateral festivals which can attract more people.
As far as I am concerned, celebrating western festivals may be good, which can contribute to cultural communication and expand our horizons. But we can not despise chinese traditional festivals. We all know that Chinese festivals are the crystallization of Chinese culture. As a Chinese, should we drop our own culture? So, we need pay attention to our festivals. At the same time, we can celebrate western festivals to improve our styles.


No one can have failed to notice the fact that Western festivals gain ever-increasing popularity in China. An increasing number of Chinese are fond of celebrating Western festivals today. On Valentine’s Day, many people, especially the young, give flowers or chocolate to the one they love; when Christmas approaches, nearly every store put on decorations like Santa Claus, snowflakes and even Christmas trees, not to mention the millions of people immersed in the thrilling atmosphere of festival on Christmas Eve; even such holidays as Halloween and the Easter Day are becoming known and celebrated by more and more Chinese. In comparison, such traditional Chinese festivals as the Spring Festival, the Festival of Lanterns and the Mid-Autumn Day seem to be losing their attraction.
 7a686964616fe78988e69d83334 In view of such a situation, many are worried that Chinese culture will be ignored or even ruined by the invasion of Western festivals. Personally, I believe that we needn’t be over worried. Actually, the increasing popularity of some Western festivals in China is nothing accidental, but some thing justifiable.
  First, it is a part of cultural globalization. With the development of communication science and technology and along with more and more nations opening up to the outside world, the world today has turned into a global village, with many national things becoming international. China is no exception. While we are absorbing advanced science and technology from foreign countries, we are also taking in different cultures.
  Secondly, it is a sign of China’s rejuvenating. As a nation boasting a civilization of 5,000 years, Chinese have been known for their spirit of accommodation or open-mindedness. China used to be a melting pot of cultures as the U.S. is today. In the prosperous Tang dynasty, China was host to travelers and settlers from over the world. Actually, being accommodating is a sign of any thriving nation. Therefore, we should be pleased rather than upset to see Chinese people embracing foreign festivals.
  It is true that some traditional Chinese festivals are losing their appeal to many people, but this does not necessarily the ruin of Chinese culture. Actually, a closer inspection reveals that most Chinese celebrate Western festivals merely out of the wish to seek novelty, to find a new way to entertain themselves or to express their identity in the face of the older generation. On the other hand, most Chinese have not ignored their native festivals. A convincing proof is that the Spring Festival still sees the largest flow of population in the world as most Chinese rush to their homes for family reunion.
  In a word, while we are giving priority to the preservation and development of traditional Chinese culture, we needn’t worry too much about the inflow of foreign culture.
Why do Chinese people to a foreign holiday?
Chinese traditional festival atmosphere fell sharply, sees tasteless; By contrast foreign holidays in China is becoming more popular, progresses day by day. This has become a fact of life!
Traditional festivals such as ChongYang, qixi, no such as dragon boat how warm festal atmosphere, even when the Spring Festival cities have forbidden, of course, but also for safety shoes, but on the other hand the dodge the Spring Festival put some firecrackers the atmosphere of the fact! In this not say, believe that everyone has an experience.
Speaking of foreign festival with Christmas (for example), for now, is the young man in his 20 s, like our students of this as the students all can, as he sees them say Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, carnival night, know Santa discipline
一方面,现在中国经济发展了,人们钱包渐渐鼓了起来,国外物质的和精神的产品流入中国,极大的丰富了中国人民的各种需要.享受外国商品的好处的同时它们也渐渐改变着我们这个民族,本民族的文化传统渐渐流失,取而代之的是从国外引进的所谓新鲜事物.接触外部世界本身没错,错误的是接触外部世界时分不清“何去何留”.另一方面,市场经济条件下的商家为了追求利润最大化,在五一、十一黄金周以及春节、元宵等传统节日的大蛋糕几乎被瓜分完的情况下瞄向这种新兴的、未被彻底瓜分的利益增长点,即外国节日,于是不断炒做,造成每到情人节、圣诞节与此有关的广告随处可见的现象.同样这点也有好的方面,那就是可以扩大内需,提高消费,拉动经济增长.但同样具有负面效应,加速传统文化流失.“深层次的研究一下,外国节日火爆的缘由还有这么几点:一、中国人严重缺乏信仰.伊斯兰教徒就绝无可能庆贺圣诞,佛教徒也不会参与,只有没有信仰的人,才会去庆祝无关教派的节日.二、贪大崇洋的心理在中国作祟.圣诞几乎遍布世界,此谓大;圣诞是欧美流行的,此谓洋.第三、中国人背离传统的现象严重.春节逐渐被淡化,而端午、中秋等传统节日更不值一提.” 以上三点本人非常赞同!

As China becomes more integrated in the global community, western customs, together with western cummodities are imported into the chinese market. Western festivals, especially Christmas, gain popularities quickly among Chinese, especial the westernized new generation. The celebration of western festivals ignited heated debates.

Some argue that Christmas is overshadowing traditional festivals like the Spring Festival and it signals the destructive process of westernization among the Chinese and thus it should be condemned. However, I take a more optimistic stand on this phonomenon as it signifies China's opening up to the world and its readiliness to appreciate other cultures.

Moreover, we have our distinctive way of celebrating Christmas. Instead of going to the church like the Americans, we regard Christmas as an opportune time to shop and to enjoy ourselves, as many shopping centres offer discounts to attract costumers in Christmas season. As such, our values are not deeply altered by our celebration of christmas.




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