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Toronto's food prices are not expensive, the house has a lot of rental kitchen, many children have learned to cook their own, such as tomatoes scrambled eggs, this relatively simple dishes on the majority of students love. The high point such as Cola Chicken Wings, there are a lot of students to master the basic operating procedures. Toronto has a lot of Chinese Web site, there is a similar "delicacy kitchen" this column, Canada experts have seen many children will personally cooked food pictures uploaded to the Internet, this shows that although many children are only children, but the children in the care of themselves and other aspects of the rapid progress, and the Legend of the Chinese the children of poor self-care, clothing to start to eat a ready-cooked meal "little emperor" is not exactly the same as the description.
If not their own cooking, eating is also very easy to solve problems. Many shopping malls in Toronto are Foodcourt, is a big push to open the hotel together, each with a small menlian. In general, Chinese Foodcourt food is cheap, a meal for four or five dollars, vegetables and meat, taste can be, even if not very good, but also not bad. If it is seven or eight dollars a meal of rice, it is good, taste and quality are guaranteed.
Toronto due to the relatively large number of Chinese dishes, and everywhere, anywhere in the country are to be found in Toronto, the price is not expensive. So, China children to study in Toronto, there are many choices in terms of food, or other countries always elusive.

Canada, whose capital city is Ottawa, lies in North America with the United States on its south, and on the other sides, it is surrounded by the sea. Despite the fact that Canada is a vast country and that its climate is quite different from region to region. Canada is a very sunny land. Both English and French are the official languages in the country. The forest industry is one of Canada’s major industries and it is the world’s largest wheat exporting country.
The Canadians are a hardworking people and they are friendly, open and modest. Most people are willing to lend a hand to strangers who are in need of help.

Canada is a
country occupying most of
northern North America, extending
from the Atlantic Ocean in the east
to the Pacific Ocean in the west
and northward into the Arctic
Ocean. It is the world's second
largest country by total area.
Canada's common border with the
United States to the south and
northwest is the longest in the
The land occupied by Canada was
inhabited for millennia by various
groups of Aboriginal peoples.
Beginning in the late 15th century,
British and French expeditions
explored, and later settled, along
the Atlantic coast. France ceded
nearly all of its colonies in North
America in 1763 after the Seven
Years' War. In 1867, with the
union of three British North
American colonies through
Confederation, Canada was formed
as a federal dominion of four
This began an
accretion of provinces and
territories and a process of
increasing autonomy from the
United Kingdom. This widening
autonomy was highlighted by the
Statute of Westminster of 1931 and
culminated in the Canada Act of
1982, which severed the vestiges
of legal dependence on the British
A federation consisting of ten
provinces and three territories,
Canada is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a
constitutional monarchy with
Queen Elizabeth II as its head of
state. It is a bilingual nation with
both English and French as official
languages at the federal level. One
of the world's highly developed
countries, Canada has a diversified
economy that is reliant upon its
abundant natural resources and
upon trade—7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad94366particularly with the
United States, with which Canada
has had a long and complex
relationship. It is a member of the
G8, G-20, NATO, OECD, WTO,
Commonwealth, Francophonie,
OAS, APEC, and UN.




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