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英语作文 题目 畅想未来



1) Looking forward to your early reply
2) Hoping to hear from you soon
3) I hope to hear from you very soon。
4) We look forward to your reply at yourearliest convenience。
5) Your early reply will be highlyappreciated。
6) I hope everything will be well withyou。
7) Please let us know if you want moreinformation。
8) I wish you very success in the comingyear。
9) Please remember me to your family。
10) With best regards to your family。
11) All the best。
12) With love and good wishes。

Time off really fast, a dazzling, six years of Yunyan the same time we should, as the past, I will be graduated. Primary life is and how is infatuated with Yiyibushe,Now we will have a Gebenqiancheng.I want to graduate, in this more than 2,000 days, we like a seedling beads, the teacher of irrigation.Seems to be in the classroom and our school Lang Lang's sound, there are wind around on the parade ground in our play sound, in-school circular, we have seen the laughter. In each foot down, we have left unforgettable memories.Now we will have graduated, the teacher's teaching, we Lang Lang's reading voice, the students have the laughter sound, are also around the ears, and I stayed the last few days, take a look at the lovely campus, take a look at teach us The division commander, to take a look at our students, and treasure the last few days with the days.The world not to leave the banquet, time gone forever, we will always remember the commander of education, for there are as a people.
With the development of science and technology,people's lives have been greatly changed.There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways.For instance,the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past.Apart from this,new discoveries and technology in medicine improve people's health,which allows them to enjoy a longer life.The progress of science also enlarges human's ablilities to explore the world around them,from up into space to deep under the sea.Thanks to the development of science and technology,human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience.
However,just like a double-edged sword,science can cause problems too.It is known to all that the nuclear power,an environmentally friendly source of energy,can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction.In addition,human cloning,which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives,may bring disasters of social morality.As a matter of fact,most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in.
Therefore,how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.



┃Vest丶ZFnX 英语 2014-10-01



What our life will be like in the future?When I was a little boy,I always asked myself this question.At that time,I had no idea what Internet was.But now,we use it every day.We can't live without it.Internet is become so popular and so convenient.
What our life will be like in the future?For example,in ten  years.I think that in ten years our life will be much more colorful,our computer will be much powerful,and we can do almost everything on the internet including seeing a doctor.What about your future  life ?Will you share with me?




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