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Losing Weight
During the Spring Festival, I ate delicious meal almost every day, so that my weight gained a lot and my body looked fatter. When I came back to school in the new term, all myclassmates are so surprised to see my huge body and round face. I finally realized that I must lose weight. And then I made a plan. To begin with, I must eat less for breakfast and supper than before. At breakfast, I drink milk and have a piece of bread and an egg. I have a bowl of soup and some fruits for dinner. I do not eat sugar anymore, because it will make me fatter. Besides, I keep doing exercises everyday. I go to running after school or play basketball with my classmates. At weekend, I often go to swim. After a month of hard work, I lost five kilograms, but it's not enough. I still have to stick to my plan and lose more weight to an appropriate number.

How to Lose Weight
It seems that many people today are overweight. No one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slum down effectively. They look for miracle pills and magic cures. In the end, they fail and the pounds come back. But the most effective way of losing weight is actually very simple. It is a combination of a good diet and proper exercise. What makes it work is determination. It requires discipline and commitment to succeed. Here is an example that proves the truth of these words.
My aunt had been trying to lose weight for years. She went on one diet after another, but none of them worked. She lost a lot of weight quickly only to have it come back. Finally, she followed her doctor's advice and began to eat a simple, well-balanced diet. She ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. In addition, she joined an exercise class. She worked out three times a week. At first, my aunt wasn't happy because the weight came off so slowly. But her classmates encouraged her to stick to it and eventually she reached her goal. Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. That was because she had developed healthy new habits.

many people are afraid of being fatty, because fat will lead to many diseases, for example hypertension.
How can you keep body fit?
First, less eat the food with polysaccharide, such as: cream, chocolate.
Second, eat more fruits and vegetables.
Last, make many exercises, if possible, it's good to go to jym.
Like this, you may keep fit well.




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