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How To Give Up Smoke
Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us.Considered the health of people themseves and the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking.When quiting smoking, I have some suggestions.First of all, people should have strong will on giving up smoking.Personal determination is the most important factor.When feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the people they love.And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke.Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around.They can’t find any cigarette when they want to smoke.And then after a while, their wants for smoke will reduce gradually.Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when people want to smoke, eat candies instead.Hope every smoker succeed in the end.


  • 如何戒烟英语作文翻译

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • How To Give Up Smoke关于如何戒烟Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us.Considered the he
  • 英语作文:戒烟

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 如何戒烟? How to Quit Smoking? It is well-known that smoke is bad for our health. But there are still many people addicted to it and find it hard to
  • 关于戒烟的英语作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 步骤:1.写吸烟的危害2.写戒烟的重要性3.写如何戒烟4.再次呼吁戒烟Give Up Smoking Please Please give up smoking now! It does great harm to you. Smoking gains the possibility of gett


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