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:" There are happy"Early in the morning, sunny, sunny. My heart want to fly up to the clouds of birds, with joy. Why? Because today is our holiday" June 1" children's day. Because I also have programs, early in the morning my mother give me a good makeup, I flew to school.In school, the campus everywhere permeated with a festive atmosphere of joy. Both sides of the road, colored flag flutter, the right side of the road is the varsity band, and has placed neatly. To live, only to see the stage central color sign reads," sunshine angel, Happy Six One " eight characters. This is the theme of" one". Brand is a balloon made of arch bridge, the stage is covered with a red carpet, set up around the flowers be riotous with colour, is really blew.Eight o'clock, the class lined up neatly to the scene. At this time, the principal announced the program officially started. The first program is: the song" country", there are" three·four" class performance, the strong melodious songs, let me have deep insights: our country is a big family, and every one of us in this harmonious family grow up happy. High grade big brother said crosstalk made under the stage we laugh stagger forward and back. When the program reaches Fifth when, suddenly, the sound of drums, his big brother big sister who knock welcome drum. Oh. The original is the city leaders came to our school, brought us a present and join us to celebrate the festival. The stage performances of the performance of more vigorously. We finally turn the game, we perform the dance" silhouette girl", we took out his one's special skill, the best show, when the dance is over station sounded the applause of the heat out, our hearts are also happy,,,,,," Sunshine angel, Happy Six One", today is our
day, we sing, we dance, we are the happy sunshine angel

Children‘s Day

On June 1st day, all children are very happy. On that day ,we don‘t go to school.Most of the children will go to the park. In the park, some children are flying kites, some are playing football, and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Children‘s Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!

Children's Day
the Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate.
Even though it doesn't come yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable.
I will no loneger be a child once going to middle school
What a unforgettable Children's Day!

国际儿童节的设立,和发生在二战期间一次著名的屠杀有关。1942年6月,德国法西斯枪杀了捷克利迪策村16岁以上的zd男性公民140余人和全部婴儿,并把妇女和90名儿童押往集中营。村里的房舍、建筑物均被烧毁,好端端的一个村庄就这样被德国法西斯给毁了。第二次世界大战结束后,世界各地经济萧条,成千上万的工人失业,过着饥寒交迫的生活。儿童的处境更糟,有的得了传染病,一批批地死去;有的则被迫当童工,受尽折磨,生活和生命得不到保障。为了悼念利迪策村和全世界所有在法西斯侵略战争中死难的儿童,1949年11月,国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科举行理事会议。为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,为了改善儿童的生活,会议决定以利迪策村屠杀时的6月的第一天为国际儿童节。 当时的很多国家表示赞同,特别是社会主义国家。




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