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The problems I have in My English study

I have many problems in my English study, to name just a few, they can be listed as following:
First, my vocabulary is rather small. As a result, I can neither read fast nor understand well, and it's really not easy for me to keep new words in mind; Second, I cannot write well. As I have always been engaged in sth having nothing to do with English, I seldom have any chance to write in English; third, my listening comprehension is not good enough, because I had little training at college.
To overcome these difficulties, I have worked out a plan. Namely, read one or two pages of English everyday, keep a diary in English & practice writing twice a week & listen to English tapes every two or three days. I believe that so long as I practice, I'll be able to read, write & understand better.

Two years ago when I began to learn English,I found it was hard for me to remember all the new words and so I didn't understand the listening exercises.My teacher gave me advice to try to learn at least ten new words every day and listen to the tape and radio programmes.So I kept on doing these and now I have made lots of progress in listening.Besides the listening problem I also had problems with speaking.I tried to get involved in English activities,such as,attend English debbates and speech contests,ask and answer at least two questions every English class,watch English movies and so on.Now I become more confident and I can speak English well.

How to overcome the difficulties in life
As the saying goes,Difficulties just like the spring , if you are strong and it would be weak, if you are weak ,it would be strong. So I think, In the face of the difficulties, we should welcome them, should not be fear or avoid .
In order to succeed you must imagine yourself succeeding ; picture yourself facing a difficult challenge with poise and confidence . 如何克服生活中的困难




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