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  1. 作为口语没有

  2. at地点,时间。       in在里边,描述事件的时候表示自己也曾参与    on在上边,在星期1用作 on Monday

这是《Three Days to See》(假如给我三天光明)第一篇文章英文版:
In June 27, 1880, I was born in the United States southernAlabama town of Tas in the gambia.
Paternal ancestors came from Sweden, the United Statesof Lanzhou immigrants settled in mali. Have anunbelievable thing, one of our ancestors was deafeducation expert. Who'd, he should have such a blind and deaf and dumb. Whenever I thought of here, my heart can not help but greatly sigh a, fate isunpredictable!
My ancestors since the Tas in the state of Alabama, thetown to buy land, the whole family had settled down here.Reportedly, at that time because of remoteness,grandfather every year to specifically from Tuscumbia,riding 760 miles to the Philadelphia, the purchase ofhome and farm supplies needed, farm machinery,fertilizer and seeds. Each time my grandfather on his way to go to Philadelphia, always write letters back safe, to the west along the landscape in the letter, and encounteredthe journey of man, things, things are clear and vivid description. Until today, we still love again and again athis grandfather's letters, is like watching a adventure novels, be worth reading a hundred times.
My father Arthur. Keller was a Civil War Confederatecaptain, my mother Katie. Adams is his second wife, the mother father for several years.
Loss of vision, hearing in my attack before, we live in a small house, a total of only big house, a square and asmall house for servants live. At that time, a custom in the south, they'll be a room in his house, to prepare for urgent use. After the civil war, my father built this house,he married my mother, lived in this house. The hut wasgrape, vine rose and honeysuckle covered, looking fromthe garden, like a seat made of branches of the pavilion.Small balcony is hidden in the Huang Qiangwei and southern Poria flower of flowers, the bees andhummingbirds world.
Grandfather and grandmother lived in the house, fromthe rose bower but few steps. Because our house is surrounded by dense trees, Midorito, so the neighborshave called us "green home". This is my childhoodparadise.
Before my family teacher -- miss Sha Liwen has not yet arrived, I often alone, with the square of the boxwood hedges, slowly went into the garden, with their sense of smell, find the first violets and lilies, inhaling deeply that fresh fragrance.
Sometimes I do not feel at HERSHEY'S, alone here toseek comfort, I always put the hot face hidden in the cool leaves and grass, let the restless mood calm down.
In the green garden, is really refreshing. Here are crawledtendrils vine and nodding jasmine, also known as abutterfly with rare flowers. Because of its easy fallingpetals like butterfly wings, so called butterfly lotus, the flowers sent waves of sweet smell. But the most beautifulor those roses. In the north of the greenhouse, can rarely be home to see the South China climbing rose. It everywhere, climbing, long upside down from the balcony,fragrance, no dust gas. Every morning, its body is wet,feel how soft, how noble, intoxicated people. I can't help but often think, blue god exposure in Imperial Garden, is just so so!
My life is simple and ordinary, like every family to meet the first child, we are all full of joy. In order to give the first child named, everyone rack one's brains, bickering,everyone thought out of his name is the most meaningful.Father wanted to his most respected ancestors "s name.
Cobell "as my name, my mother wanted her mother's name," Helen. Ape Little "to name. We have to discuss the results, is in accordance with the mother of hope,decided to use her name.
The first is to name the bickering, after that, in order totake me to the church baptized, we act with confusion,that excitement father to church on the way, he put the name forgot. When the priest asked "what name is called"the baby, "Helen said tension between excited father time.The name Adams. ". Therefore, my name is not used my grandmother's name "Helen. Ape Little ", and become a"Helen. Adams.
The home of people tell me, I in infancy displayedunyielding personality, everything is full of curiosity,character is very stubborn, often want to imitate people'severy act and every move. So, 6 months have been able to send "tea! Tea! Tea!" And "hello!" Voice, attracted everyone's attention. Even in the "water" this word, I alsolearned in the past 1 years. Until I was ill, although forgetpreviously learned words, but for the "water" is the wordstill remember.
The family also told me, I will walk in just one year old. My mother took me up from the tub, put on knee, suddenly, I found a tree's shadow flickering on the polished floor,slipped down from the mother's knee, one step at a time,go swaying to trample the shadows.
Spring birds singing, singing filled the ears, summer is full of fruit and rose, until the time of Huang Yehong already is late autumn arrival of grass. Three wonderful seasons
1880年6 月27日,我出生在美国的南部亚拉巴马州的塔斯甘比亚镇。



















With a jittery mood I started writing, history of my life. To open the curtain like fog covered my childhood, reallymakes me suspicious. Writing an autobiography is difficult. For years has been a long time, in my earlyfinishing something's happened to me, I do not know whatis true, what is just my illusion. I describe my own experience in their own fantasy method. In the remaining memory, some things still vividly flashed in my brain,except that a prison dark days left the shadow. The lot of childhood joy and sorrow has lost its original taste, early education many meaningful things are I continue to findsurprises gradually forgotten. In order to avoid thetedious, I will try to present to you a series of early life I think the most interesting and most important plot.
One eight eight 0 years in June 27th, I was born in the United States southern Alabama town of Tas in the gambia.
Paternal ancestor Kasba Keller is an authentic Swedishimmigrants settled in the United States, Maryland,Lanzhou. One of our ancestors was the first teacher in Zurich City deaf, he wrote a book about the deafeducation books -- this is really an amazing coincidence.(who also surprisingly he will have one like me and blind and deaf and dumb people!) said that although thedescendant of king, there may be a slave, slave offspring may also become a king, but when things like this happenin my body, my heart can not help but will greatly feelinga, fate is unpredictable!
My grandfather, Kasba Keller's son, Tas, a town in Alabama "bought" large tracts of land, settle down here.Grandfather said, every year, especially from Tuscumbia,ride to the Philadelphia purchase home, farm supplies needed. My aunt left some grandfather wrote on his way to Philadelphia's letter, the letter on the road of what one sees and hears sense has most incisive description.
My grandmother Keller three Lafayette City lieutenantAlexander Moore's daughter, is the colony of Virginiaearly official Alexander Spotswood's granddaughter,Robert E Lee's second cousin.
My father, Arthur H. Keller was the Civil War Confederatecaptain, my mother Katie Adams, his second wife, herfather a couple of years. Her grandfather, Benjamin Adams and Susanna E. ancient Dexiu married, lived in Manchester for many years the Newbury. Their sonCharlie Adams was born in Manchester's Newbury port,after moving to Arkansas Helena. When the civil war broke out, he fought for the south, and became a brigadier general. He and Lucy Helen Everett were married (Dr. Lucy Helen Everett and Edward Everett andEdward Everett Hale are of the same. After the war, the family moved to Memphis, Tennessee).









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