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With the rapid development of science and technology, tele-education has sped up in our country. While many people speak highly of its advantages, others see more disadvantages deriving from it.
The advocates of tele-education give their arguments as follows. For one thing, tele-education makes it possible for people in remote areas to learn the subjects they are interested in. For another, people have a wider range of choices as to teachers and lessons through tele-education, because they can listen to the best lessons by the best teachers in the country, or even in the world.
Just as “Every advantage has its disadvantages”e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9335, the opponents believe that not all the people have access to tele-education because many are poor. In addition, the students cannot contact teachers, but interpersonal relations are important to their study.
As far as I am concerned, we should develop tele-education more rapidly to benefit more students. Meanwhile, we can design some programs to help teachers and students to contact each other.





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