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evreyone both have problems,but the most important is how to deal it,because you can find a lot of happniess in the process. i always remenber that when i was young,i hated math very much,even i didn't want to listen any math class.but one day,my teacher said to me that i have to stady it,not only it's important,but also useful in daily life,and maybe the porcess is difficult but bitter pills may have wholesome(良药e799bee5baa6e78988e69d83332苦口),after that he believe that i can sucsussful! so,i hard working everyday,and listen every class carefully,if some exercises i don't konw how to work it out,i always asking teacher or each other.so now my math is good,and i also think that everytime i hard working to do these exercises,i'm happy!

I have had many difficulties since I started to learn English. Since I come from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect.
Thus, I had a hard time telling “night” from “light” at the very beginning. My poor memory also added to the difficulties when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary. English words were so elusive that I could only remember them for a while
I have spared no efforts to overcome the difficulties and finally succeeded. In order to tell the slight difference between nasal sounds and non-nasals, I forced myself to speak mandarin everyday.
Whenever I started to speak English, I reminded myself the difference between “night” and “light”.
At first I felt it rather unnatural, but as I went on I was gradually accustomed to speaking in this way.
As for my wretched memory, I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other new ways.
At last I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their stems and affixes. This is how I have overcome some difficulties in learning English.
您好:Learning English Is Not Difficult
I have learned English for about 5 years. To be honest, learning English is not as difficult as you thought. The only thing you should remember is intereast . Only if you have interest in speaking or listening can you make big progress.So far, I have memorized 5000 words. Every day after school, I will chat in English whit my pen pal Jim through Internet. That is a very practical way to use English, from which I realized that practice makes perfect. In the future I will continue to talk in English as much as possible. I believe I could speak English just like a native speaker.

How to overcome the difficulties in life
As the saying goes,Difficulties just like the spring , if you are strong and it would be weak, if you are weak ,it would be strong. So I think, In the face of the difficulties, we should welcome them, should not be fear or avoid .
In order to succeed you must imagine yourself succeeding ; picture yourself facing a difficult challenge with poise and confidence . 如何克服生活中的困难




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