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Colleague asked me today, more than the benefits of smoking or more disadvantages? He immediately said, of course, disadvantages, and said smoking was bad for the lungs healthy, I asked: what else? He said no more. Then I listed the benefits of smoking: First, can be repellent insects, smokers are aware of this point; & Personals II can be, especially since most men on this point smoking cigarettes; Third, can promote economic development in Yunnan tobacco economy is a name; four, it will help ease pressure on mood of conciliation, which is especially important, do you think if a person is not necessarily a bad lung immediately OVER, but if a bad mood, it is likely that terrorist ah ! But this is only a lame argument
Or advise you not to smoke, smoke as little as possible. 翻译:今天问我的同事,吸烟的好处多还是坏处多?他立马说,当然是坏处多,于是就说吸烟对肺部健康不好,我问:还有呢?他说没了。接着我就列举吸烟的好处:一是可以驱蚊虫,这点烟民都知道;二是可以装酷,尤其是男人大多因为这点吸上烟的;三是可以推进经济发展,云南的烟草经济是出了名的;四是可以缓解压力,调解心情,这点尤其重要,你想想,一个人要是肺不好也不一定马上就OVER,但要是心情不好,就很可能恐e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e58685e5aeb9339怖啊!但这只是强词夺理,还是奉劝大家不要吸烟,尽量少吸。

不要吸烟用英语翻译是:Do not smoke,见下图翻译

It is said that about half of people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students

As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.

Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once.








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