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我心目中的英(The hero in my heart) Everyone's heart have a hero,maybe a person who save the people,maybe a animal who have got good spirit. So far,I can't forget a person who helped plenty of people.His name is Leifeng.I think he was a good person I can't understand why he was so friendly,but I really know,he was a hero in my heart.I looked up upon him.and I will do all things I can do,I want to be the 2nd Leifeng.
A Hero in My Heart The other day the TV reported that a retired school math teacher, Beth Smith, has been volunteering for the past 20 years at a United Nation’s refugee camp in Thailand, helping kids who cannot afford to go to school learn math and English. I was deeply touched when watching the story, especially when the reporter asked Beth why she would spent all her time in a third world country volunteering, she replied, “By helping these kids, I feel I’m doing good for the society, therefore I feel happy.” Her answer made me think about the virtue of helping others, and I realize that she is a true hero in my heart. 自己写的。e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94365

A Hero in My Heart

The other day the TV reported that a retired school math teacher, Beth Smith, has been volunteering for the past 20 years at a United Nation’s refugee camp in Thailand, helping kids who cannot afford to go to school learn math and English. I was deeply touched when watching the story, especially when the reporter asked Beth why she would spent all her time in a third world country volunteering, she replied, “By helping these kids, I feel I’m doing good for the society, therefore I feel happy.” Her answer made me think about the virtue of helping others, and I realize that she is a true hero in my heart.





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