您的位置:158文章网 > 作文写作 > 我想要知道英语的常用句型有哪些,还有各种各样的英语写作格式,Thangs!




Tupac Amaru Shakur (June 16, 1971 –7a64e78988e69d83336 September 13, 1996), known by his stage names 2Pac (or simply Pac) and Makaveli, was an American rapper. Shakur has sold over 75 million albums worldwide, making him one of the best-selling music artists in the world. In the United States alone he has sold 37.5 million records. Rolling Stone Magazine named him the 86th Greatest Artist of All Time.

In addition to his career as a top-selling rap artist, he was a promising actor, and a social activist. Most of Shakur's songs are about growing up amid violence and hardship in ghettos, racism, other social problems, and conflicts with other rappers during the East Coast-West Coast hip hop rivalry. Shakur began his career as a roadie and backup dancer for the alternative hip hop group Digital Underground.

In September 1996, Shakur was shot in the Las Vegas metropolitan area of Nevada. He was taken to the University Medical Center, where he died of respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.

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满意回答 上面各位的回答都不错,我给你找的是专门针对考研用的,因为看你的年纪应该不是为了考四六级这么简单了吧。



一. 总结句型

1) ***in general/above all/with the result that/as a
result/consequently, ***

2) As far as I am concerned/as for me, ***

3) This truth above seems to be self-evident.

4) Whether we examine the ***above, such things can happens anywhere anytime to anyone.

5) In my point of view, I like/prefer A much more than B.

6) I still prefer A, however, for they teach me not only to be ***but also to be*** ,both in ***and in***.

7) There is no doubt that***

8) In order to make our world a better place in which to live we should efforts to***

9) To a large extent, ***, therefore, reflects***

10) If all above mentioned measures are achieved, ***

11) Wherever you are and whatever you do, ***is always meaningful.

12) So clear/evident/obvious it is that there are quite different opinions on it.

13) Now, which one do you prefer-----the one***or the one***? Were it left to me to select, I should not hesitated a moment to choose the former/latter.

二. 开首句型

1) Have you ever gone***? Have you ever been to***? If you have no

experience like these, your life is an inadequate one.

2) Are you***? Are you***? We are, usually.

3) In large part as a consequence of***, somebody have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on something.

4) We expect the day will come when A with its characteristic of***

5) Being adj. is one of the virtues that people must possess (not only in***but also in***/during***/when***)

6) What A to B, that C to D

7) Currently, there is a widespread/serious concern over that***

8) The reasons for the***are manifold, for instance, ***

9) Several factors contribute to this***, such as***, as for as I’m concerned, however, ***is the most significant ingredient/element.

10) ***is more violent than what we thought it should be before.

11) There are intimate relations between the two.

三. 并列句型

1) Some people like A due to***. However, there are many young people, including me, especially like B.

2) There might be two reasons, I think***, for the change.

3) A and B are both important, they are attribute which are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his life.

4) Different people have different attitudes towards***, some believe that***others, however, argue that***still others maintain that***

5) First***besides, in addition***what’s more***

6) For one thing***nevertheless, for another***

四. 转折句型

1)***Such defects as mentioned above can be prevented by the other way of ***

2) Except for ***’s sake only.

3) Perhaps A is the wrong word, however, B might be better.

4) First***last but not least***

5) Shall we do this? Not necessary the case.

6) ***, and vice versa indeed .

7) On the contrary, in spite of these increase***

8) Compared with A, B has many advantages such as***

9) Not so much*** as he had talked about.

10) ***, the truth of the matter, however, is that***

11) For some, the way maybe right, nevertheless, for many others***

12) As everything going to the extreme has its negative aspects, so has***

13) It is fairly well know that***however, it is less know that***

14) ***, but this was not always the case.

15) At first, ***different in their opinions, on second thoughts, however, all of them agree to***

16) None the less(尽管如此)***

17) When people succeed, it is because of hard work, however, luck has a lot to do with it too.

18) ***, sometimes it isn’t totally the case, however.

19) Do some A else but B.

五. 名理句型

1) It is usually the case that ***

2) It is plain common sense---the more/less***the more/less***

3) The serious reality had taught us a lesson

: not being environment friendly will be avenged mercilessly.

4) As a proverb says/as is known to all/as a popular saying goes, ***

5) I can think of no better illustration than an English poem/adage which goes like this:***

6) The old story of***can serve as a good illustration that***

六. 强调句型

1) With/due to/spurred by***we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with, that is, ***

2) The reason why***is no other than***as I know.

3) The same thing is true with***

4) What I want to point out is that, for a person who wants to be successful in life and to be useful in society, he will have to learn to be both A and B.

5) What a wonderful picture? Especially for we students always swimming in the sea of books!

6) It’s high time that immediate measures were taken to better the strength and face the challenges.

7) Before everything else, ***is the secret of success.

七. 图表句型

1) From the figures/statistics given in the table it can be seen/noticed that***

2) From the graph/table/diagram/chart above, we can see that***obviously.

3) As show in the chart/by the graph***

4) Have you ever anticipated the prospects of***in the coming decades? Let us just take a look at the figures of***as shown in the graph above.

5) The gap between***and***will be further widened.

6) In face of increasingly serious shortage of energy, we should take effective measures/which of the measures we should take?

7) It is clear that the increase of percentage gets greater and greater.

8) By***, the number of***had less/more than doubled/tripled compared with that of***

9) 短语:made up about***/the figure amounted to/will rise to/will reach/will double that/will tripled that

在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。如"I Cannot Forget Her"
After her death, I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away, but I knew
she would not have had any regrets at having given her life for the benefit of the people.
结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。如“I Love My Home Town”(我爱家乡)的结尾:
I love my home town, and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for
the good of our motherland.
3. 自然结尾
I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours, but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing, we lay
down on the river bank, bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.
用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考。如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾:
Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were
wet with sweat, but on every face there was a smile.
虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引7a686964616fe58685e5aeb9366起读者深思。如 "Should We Learn to Do Housework?" (我们要不要学做家务?) 的结尾。
Everyone should learn to do housework. Don’t you agree, boys and girls?
结尾表示对将来的展望,或期待读者投入行动。如“Let’s Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:
As we have said above, sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help
people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let’s go in for sports.




以价值为话题的初中作文600字i 以成长为话题的初中作文600字 以“比较”为话题写一篇600字的作文 以力量为话题的初中作文600字 安徒生童话一滴水 "一滴水的故事,一群人的梦想" 你们是怎样理解的? 关于一滴水的故事 安徒生《一滴水》故事人物性格 以烧烤为题的作文600字加提纲 急用! 烧烤趣事作文600字五年级水平 烧烤600字作文 一篇在自己家烧烤的作文,600字 关于【tupac】的英文介绍!!急 谢谢你马上来的英语单词 thangs for加什么用英语怎么说 for用英语怎么读 古人怎样感恩老师 感恩老师小练笔三百字到四百字左右 关于学生感恩老师的故事,一百字左右,急~~ 关于中国古代感恩老师的名人事例 关于网络的作文 关于网络的作文(1000字左右) 关于网络的作文1000 有关网络的作文 以《我为自己点赞》为题作文600字 我为一件事点赞作文600字数 为自己点赞小学六年级作文600字 《为自己点赞》作文600字,一定到600字,只要一件事 电影《新警察故事》吴彦祖饰演的关祖为什么有病态心理 在新警察故事里 吴彦祖饰演的祖讨厌他爸 是不是算是一种心理问... 吴彦祖在新警察故事中为什么那么恨警察,看 新警察故事中吴彦祖为什么那么恨警察 高考英语作文中关于复杂句型和高级词汇 关于高中英语作文的高级词汇和万能句子 高考英语作文常用高级句型词汇都有什么? 高考英语作文加分句型 常用高级句子有哪些 带题记和小标题的作文? 带有题记和小标题的作文 带小标题和题记的作文 带有小标题和题记的作文 列举几个名人因为有自信而成功的故事拜托了各位 谢谢 有关自信乐观的名人小故事 有关于自信的小故事 有关自信心的小故事 以“考试”为话题写作文,600字 以“考试的感想”为题目写一篇作文407个字 以考试为话题,写一篇600字作文 以考试为话题写一篇作文 求简短的英语小故事,不要笑话 请大家给我几篇英语小故事(不要笑话) 简单的英语小故事50字左右(不要对话和笑话!) 简单的英语小故事(不要笑话或对话!!) 我最喜爱的小动物 兔子(450字左右)
