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求大学英语作文《creating a green campus》 120个词语



Green is a precious gift we human nature, green is the cradle of human civilization.Everyone is eager to have a good home, everyone want to live in the harmonious development of man and nature environment of civilization.Corresponding call to "create a health city" in recent years, our campus environment is undergoing comprehensive change, the construction of campus environment is a problem we must face, campus greening degree directly ACTS on our life environment, decides the few colour of campus life, of course, green campus not only the environment greening and garbage disposal problem, its connotation should be wider and deeper refers to a healthy and progressive attitude towards life and lifestyle, for example, serious and lively learning atmosphere, positive and enterprising spirit of class, etc.Create a green campus, not only just want to have beautiful hardware environment, should improve our own culture and quality, it is our responsibility and obligation.Everyone is to protect the green angel, we want to use the green action to influence the people around you.We should protect the campus environment, build the green campus.

Creating A Green Campus
With the develpoment of our society,more and more students get a chance to study at school.in oder to provide a good envrionment for them,creating a Green Campus becoming increasingly
Recently,many schools allocate a great deal of money to bring plenty of trees and flowers to the campus.These measures can actually do much contribution to creating a Green Campus.However
,through a deep thinking,many people hold an opinion that create a Green Campus contains many aspects related to students.A real Green campus needs many others things to be done in future.On the one hand,the violence accidents should be avoided to ensure a safe environment for students,then students can study comfortbly.On the other hand,the young couples should not
do some much too close behaviours on campus to create a civilized environment,
It is of responsbility of all of us to Create a Green Campus.If all the things above can be done,we can have a Green Campus sooner or later.
When I grow up,I want to be an artist.Because I want to be rich.And I want to move somewhere beautiful like Toronto.First, I am going to save some money. Then I am going to be a student at a famous art school.I will study very hard !e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94334 Whether people should have a privatecar in their lives
As the Chinese economy is developing better and better, the Chinese are getting much richer than ever before. Now more and more of them are considering buying a private car to make life even more wonderful. As a matter of fact, a car can definitely bring great convenience to our lives. However, we must notice at the same time that the cost of using a car is growing fast, and the commute is getting worse. Worst of all, the pollutant brought by using cars is harming the environment severely. Now the whole world is asking people to try tool like bicycle instead of cars when they go out in order to decrease the amount of the pollutant expelled to the air. Therefore, we should support our government and try our best to protect our own environment. Only when we do this do we stand a chance to have a better world in the future!

The university school is like another home for our students. Its environment will affect our healthy growth and study. So it is important to create a green campus.
The definition of the green campus is not only referred to its green environment, but also its hardworking atmosphere. We must bear these in mind and put these into practice.

As the managers of school, they can provide us with beautiful environment. But that is not enough. The campaign to create a green campus needs the participation of every one. Firstly, we should protect the trees, grasslands and flowers in our mother school. Secondly, when we see the behavior of destruction, don’e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e337t stand by and do something to combat it. Besides, we also can give wide publicity to creating a green campus.
With the joint efforts of every one, we firmly believe that the dream of creating a greencampus will come true.




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