您的位置:158文章网 > 作文写作 > 有没有那种专门的考研英语作文模板书?




  其次,除了以上三项常考功能模板,我们还将在本部分的最后列出两个具有对比论证功能的模板。虽然自从1997 年以来的历年短文题目中没有出现要求进行对比论证的话题,但是考生仍然应该有所准备。

  The picture . What is strikingly noticeable is , but it can be easily explained by shown in the picture.
  The discern able unhealthiness discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in the China’s . One the one hand, . On the other hand, . As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture tells us.
  The situation is rather depressing because , and it is largely owing to . To solve the problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend , and those who should be rewarded with good living and working conditions.
  We can see from the picture that , but .
  If , he would surely express . There are three reasons to explain why it happens to . Firstly, , which resulted from . Secondly, though , . Consequently, . Thirdly, .
  I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon. Firstly, we need to endeavor to advocate . Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society. Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this “tumor” forcefully and completely.
  The picture depicts a scene in which . The scene is presented in an artistic and ironic manner. Crowds of people are crammed in . Further examination reveals that .
  Apparently, the picture symbolizes that humans, with such a huge population, may one day suffer from the exhaustion of earth resources. Take for example. Given the fact that , we find that . To make it worse, .
  If the conflict between population boom and shortage of resources is not properly controlled, we have every reason to hold a pessimistic perspective towards human’s future on Earth. Perhaps eventually we would face the situation suggested by the picture, that is, . Accordingly, I strongly recommend that the whole globe launch aggressive programs to address this fatal contradiction.
  This is a very interesting piece of cartoon, in thanks to . Hence, .
  Though being a little exaggerating, the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that , and for that matter, . A recent report also supported this view by . On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that .
  Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against , because not a single government or person can be exempt from its harm. A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control .
  As is shown in the picture above, . Obviously from we can surmise that .
  It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of . As a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature. For instance, . Additionally, we can also hear many stories about . Not to mention those moving cases of .
  All in all, I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a . By , people not only harvest , but also gain that can never be purchased via money.
  As the old Chinese saying goes, . It echoes with this picture in which . The title of the picture further points out that .
  The picture is meant to . As far as I am concerned, I think . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of , where .
  A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of . , for example, . The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from .
  It is a very eye-catching photo in which . What makes this picture extraordinary is , which clearly indicates .
  The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of , that is, , and therefore, . China, in particular, . The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by .
  While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary. is not only featured by , but more importantly, by . I firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity. (参见范文1)
  As the title indicates, “ ”, the set of pictures apparently reminds us that . It is discern able that .
  The drawing virtually reminds its audience a widespread phenomenon existing negatively in the area of basic education in China, that is, . That is to say, . Such a practice is very harmful in terms of the following aspects. Firstly, . Secondly, . Last but not the least, .
  In my point of view, , but it is only part of the picture. On the other hand, . Therefore, it is an urgent task to . As children are the future of our nation, creating a good environment for their upbringing means creating a bright and promising future for our nation.
  The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. The artist purposefully exaggerates . This picture reveals the in-depth problem of .
  In fact, . There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that . The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view. . It owes to .
  In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our . What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that, . Therefore, I strongly contend that .
  The two pictures illustrate vividly . In the left picture , while in the right .
  From the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of . Aside from , another telling example is , which was so successful in that . The pictures also make it obvious that we should .
  Admittedly, it is natural that . Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of our government and society to . In my opinion, what’s the more important is to . In short, .
  According to the two pictures presented, it can be observed that. In the left picture, . A the same time, as the right one shows. Different people have different views on .
  Some people support by claiming that . In their opinion, . In addition, . Meanwhile, there are some people, especially young men, who . Their reasons are quite different, sometimes for , sometimes for , sometimes simply for .
  In my point of view, both sides are partly right. To thoroughly analyze this problem, we should take into consideration of all relevant aspects, so as to make the right decision. Therefore, my conclusion would be that .

你 要 知 道 没 有 那 个 机 构 会 大 张 旗 鼓 的 出 这 种 书 , 如 果 真 的 出 书 了 , 基 本 上 是 不 能 直 接 用 的 , 因 为 流 传 开 了 大 家 都 知 道 , 所 以 就 算 有 这 种 书 , 也 只 能 是 英 语 基 础 好 的 同 学 自 己 去 模 仿 或 者 创 新 , 但 是 也 不 能 确 定 就 能 拿 分 。 这 东 西 不 仅 需 要 专 业 更 需 要 经 验 , 模 板 越 是 小 众 的 越 具 有 隐 蔽 性 , 除 非 有 哪 种 模 板 在 你 报 考 的 学 校 就 是 唯 一 的 , 而 且 直 接 可 以 拿 分 , 不 过 只 要 你 留 心 找 还 是 有 点 , 毕 竟 有 市 场 就 会 有 需 求 , 全 国 最 早 做 模 板 的 是 省 省 清 华 他 们 家 , 到 现 在 有 , 资 历 最 老 , 口 碑 不 错 , 应 该 适 合 你 。


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