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With the development of the technology ,human's life become more and more convenient.
As far as i am concered, shopping online os a best way to show how handy the technology is !e68a84e8a2ad7a686964616f366
Ifshopping mall have too much people.we could not shpping at store,we can shpping on the internent.
Everyday has many news from all of the world,but you cannot go out that you can stay at home and watch TV or brush you micro-blog that you can know the news. Ithink technology bring many benefits to people,it also makes our life easier.

technology will make our life better 楼上的应该是finer
Better science, better life -- the science of beauty
The development of science and technology has brought people what is spiritual and material double harvest or a will be destroyed the natural social silent invisible hand?
People invented the mobile phone, easing the living people in different places of Acacia melancholy, people invented the airplane, rounding the people travel a long road; the invention of anesthetic, to avoid the tormented by illness of people and a layer of pain. Science and technology, let the large and boundless world becomes small, science and technology, more joy into the people's lives.
Ever heard of such a problem is life in a thousand years ago people happy or life in our present happy? I don't know is the questioner is how to answer, and each of us look at the question of when the angle is different, but I think it is happy, is happy.
A thousand years ago, people's life because it is simple and happy, the contact between them need by Dove Chuanshu, from Shanghai to Beijing is also an arduous journey, the hard way. If suffering from pneumonia, no medicine can cure only family praying, but they will not worry about their children addicted to online and delay academic, not for the spread of nuclear weapons and big nerve racking, not in order to compete for oil ruined stability and happiness of the people of the whole country. Such a happy is very simple.
Nevertheless, we are still living in today's happy. Our happiness isdirectly.
Since the development of medical technology, almost will be all of life common disease Tongtong cure, was extended life of the people, have more time to extend life, enjoy life. Biological and chemical science and technology development by leaps and bounds, to the original curiosity strong people to rich and colorful spiritual food. Human exploration and innovation at the same time to self value to be sure, the people in the enjoyment of welfare brought by science and technology at the same time also harvest the happiness.
Humans have such great wisdom, and create the double helix decryption of so many "miracle" of the DNA molecule, the Internet application benefits to millions of households, the first cosmic speed send the shuttle into the universe, the development of cloning technology to assist disease patients rebirth.
Science for a better life. But at the same time, it will be so much additional anxiety and panic into the original pure life. To say this is not false, but real wronged technology. Let the people of science and technology of the feelings become complex is not the technology itself, and is to choose how to use it.
科技是一门永无止境的学科,它的发展是无法用简单的好坏去评判的.它可以挽救人类,那么它也同样可以毁灭生灵.当爱因斯坦研究出核能量,欲将其运用于宇宙科学研究的同时,法西斯那边已经有人在苦思冥想该怎样将这种技术运用于战争了.就核技术本身而言是无所谓好与坏的,但由于它而在世界上引发出来的争端,使得整个世界上国家间的关系少了一份融洽.就拿二十世纪八十年代的美苏冷战来讲,在反导条约签订之前,整个世界都为之紧绷着神经,一颗导弹的爆炸,毁灭的是一个城市、一个国家,更是千年积淀下来的人类文明.但是人类对核能的恐慌与紧张是完全可以避免的,核能本身一点也不可怕,甚而至于它可以帮助人类缓解甚至解决能源危机,它能作为一门辅助学科,成为其它领域里重要的研究工具.只要没有人动邪念,一切科学技术都将是美好的,它们都将有助于世界的和平与 Harmonious development. So, why do wehave to worry about the progress of robot technology and the breakthrough of cloning technology?
Science, the reason can make our life more beautiful, because there is another batch of rational use of science and technology to the good people of. They will beautiful technology using in to harmonious society construction, rich and shaping of human material and spiritual, pursuit of truth will never cease to correct.
When someone ask you is feel happier people living in what period of time, please don't hesitate to tell him now. Because you will use your own power, to restrain themselves and others, make science for a better life.
We also have reason to believe, the rapid development of science and technology will be 100 percent for for the benefit of mankind, for the benefit of the natural, for the benefit of the world, make scientific bloom the most beautiful, the most pure brilliance.

Health Better Life
The core value can be interpreted as following: The City, built by people, has been evolving and growing into an organic system. People are the most dynamic cells with the best ability to innovatein this system. People’s life is closely interactive with the urban morphology and development.
With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth’s biosphere and resource system. People, city and earth are just like three organic systems linking with each other and fusing into the integrity
throughout the whole process of urban development.




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