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广东游记 今天下午刚下第一节课,妈妈开车来接我,广东游记作文。妈妈帮我向夏老师、孙老师请假,说:“莹莹提前离校,我带她去广州玩。”妈妈带着我与同事一起去飞机场。本来是18点多的飞机,因为下大雨推迟到19点多才起飞。飞机在跑道上慢慢滑行后离开地面,向天空飞行。我向窗外看,云彩朵朵从我们下面往后跑,美丽极了!下了飞机,广州叔叔用汽车把我们带到宾馆住下,小学二年级作文《广东游记作文》。第二天下午,到了海边游泳。我不会游泳,妈妈给我买了游泳衣以后,还租了救生圈。我和妈妈、叔叔、姐姐一起游泳、戏水玩得好开心。星期天下午晴天,我们上了飞机回长沙。坐在飞机上往窗外看,看到了大地、山河、房子、天野,很少看到白云。大地美丽极了!广东游记作文250字小学生作文(/)

1.Recently,e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e361our class have had a discussion about an Eco-travel. Some of my classmates are in favor of going to Red River Village. They say they could swim there and go boating on it. They also say they could learn about the birds by the river. What’s more,by staying at hotels in Red River Village,they can help the villages make money so that they can take care of the river and birds. However,other students are against the idea,they prefer Snow Mountain,saying that they could go hiking and looking at other animals there. They suggest planting trees on the mountains. They also say by going there,they could help the people to keep the mountain clean to take care on the birds on the mountains.
2.China's largest archipelago, Zhoushan is a developing port and island city in China. The Zhoushan city is located in the middle of the "Zhoushan Fishery", one of the world's four largest fisheries. It lies in the central part of China's coastline,and is only tens of nautical miles away from Shanghai, the largest commercial city in China.
Zhoushan city is embraced by 1,339 islands of the Zhoushan Archipelago, including the 502-square-kilometre Zhoushan Island which is the largest,and is a little bit larger than Hong Kong.
Zhoushan Archipelago has a monsoon marine climate with an annual tempereture averaging 16 degrees Centigrade. Worm in winter and cool in summer,Zhoushan is a pleasant place with beautiful scenery. Within Zhoushan city, there are 2 state-level scenic resorts--Putuo Island and the Shangsi Island, and 2 provincia-level scenic areas--Mount Dai and Taohua Island. Sea, sunshine, beach and Buddhist culture compose the unique sea and hill views of Zhoushan. The city has altogether 20 travel agencies and 20 hotels catering to foreign nationals, receiving more than 2.8 million tourists each year.
Located where warm and cold currents meet, the sea surrounding the Zhoushan Archipelago is shallow and has a plentiful supply of food for the fish brought by the Yangtze River and Qiangtang river. Large and small yellow croakers, cuttlefish and hairtails are its best-known marine products.
With its scenic peaks and temples, Putuo Island, or Putuo Hill, is one of the four sacred hills of Chinese Buddhism.
3.Last year,I went to Beijing with my parents,it is an very interesting trip.First,I went to the Tian'anmen Square,it is so big,there was many children playing,if it was spring,I would fly kites.The second day,we went to the Palace Museum,it is so great,it belongs China's history.And shopping in Beijing is an interesting thing,too.If you want to have a good holiday,Beijing is a good choice.
4.The Great Wall of China is a truly tremendous feat by mankind. Like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching some 4,163 miles along northern China, comprising a series of independent walls. It has a histy of some 2,000 years and was firstly built as a defense against northern invaders.
An unforgettable trip to China will enchance your life with enchanting experience to the magnificent Great Wall - one of the eight wonders in the world. If you prefer to see the wall in a relatively natural state, visit Simatai, 110km north-east of Beijing. This part of the Wall is the best choice, for it is still in its original state without being developed into a popular tourist attraction due to its distance and little public transportation options.













  • 和家长出去广东旅游作文

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  • [广东游记作文]广东游记 今天下午刚下第一节课百,妈妈开车来接我,广东游记作文。妈妈帮我向夏老师、孙老师请假,说:“莹莹提前离校,我带她去广州玩。”妈妈带着我与同事一


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