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The most shocking moment I had experienced during my first month in Canada was the day when I arrived my university. I had never expected people to be so kind andpolite even to strangers. After settling down, I took a bus to Walmart for grocery shopping. On the bus, people smiled to me with greetings. “7a64e78988e69d83364How are you?”“Good morning.” “Are you a new student? Welcome!” The way people treat one another was totally different from the one I familiar with. When I discussed this experience with my Chinese friends, I found that many people felt the sameshock on local residents’ friendliness and politeness in their first months. It seems that Canadian people tend to trust each other more and are generally care about things happening around. It will be beneficial for international students, especially those who have Asian background, to have more contact with local people, participate orientation activities and stay social in order to learn more about different understandings and lifestyles. Since it is convincible that high degree of tolerance is the key to such friendliness.

The Spring Festival is coming.
On that day, I can play firecrackers,affix Spring Festival couplets,pay New Year‘s call with my parents, eat Jiao-zi and get many gift money.
I realy like The Spring Festival .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck .

Nowadays, study abroad has increasingly become a hot topic in campus with the improvement of the people’s life standard and the fast development of student exchange programs. However, there are some different views about going abroad to study.
Some people are in favor of the idea of going abroad to study. They point out the fact that it is a great opportunity for those who study abroad to be exposed to more new ideas and trends and broaden their horizons in a great degree. They also argue that those who study abroad can get more in touch with the foreign cultures and have a better surrounding to learn language well. In addition, they also consider that it is a better choice for those who depend on their parents too much to be independent.
有的人赞成出国留学的想法。他们指出,事实上,这对那些出国留学的人来说是个很好的机会。他们可以接触到更多新的思想潮流,这在很e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e333大程度上能够拓展他们的 视野。他们还认为,那些出国留学的人可以更好的接触外国文化,有更好的环境学好语言。另外,他们认为这对那些过于依赖父母而不能独立的人来说是更好的选 择。
On the contrary, other people stand on a different ground. They consider that it is harmful for the students who study abroad. They firmly point out that learning a foreign language and communicating smoothly with the local people is far from an easy thing at the outset for most students. What’s worse, it also takes time for students to adapt themselves to a new diet, custom, set of ideas and even the climate.
There are some truths in their arguments. As far as I am concerned, the advantages of studying abroad overweight the disadvantages, while it’s essential to take the condition of family as an important premise when deciding to go abroad to study.




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