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The greeks in 776 BC provisions in Olympia every four years hold a sports meeting.
During the games, the Greek players and plebeian inhabitants nearby gathered in Olympia, the beautiful scenery of the town in southern Greece.
Held here in 776 BC, when the first Olympic Games doria people close at 192.27 meters sprint in the championship.
He has become the international Olympic Games won the first project of the first person to crown.
Later, the ancient Greek games scale expands gradually, and become to display the national spirit of the event.
The winner of the competition was given laurel, wild olive and palm woven garlands, etc.
Begin from 776 BC to AD 394, after 1170 years, 293 session of the ancient Olympic Games were held.
Prohibited by the Roman emperor in 394 AD.
In 1875 ~7a686964616fe78988e69d83366 1881, the German library tiu people in Olympic site unearthed cultural relics unearthed, aroused the interest of the world.
To this end, the French educator Pierre DE coubertin thought, to restore the ancient Greek tradition of the Olympic Games, to promote the development of international sports has the extremely significant significance.
Under his advocacy and worked hard, in June 1894, held the first international sports conference in Paris.
As agreed by the general meeting of the international sports called the worldwide comprehensive sports games in the Olympic Games, in April 1896 the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens, Greece, in 4 years, was held in the member states in turn.
In 1992, has held the 25th Olympic Games.

Basically, the ancient Olympic Games is held every four years, this period is called "Olympia".
By this cycle count, from 776 BC to 394 AD should be held 293 sessions;
But actually held much less.
However, the ancient Olympic Games has a regulation, a Olympia, for the number of whether hold or not according to calculate.

Before the early ancient Olympic Games, the race is not much, so the 22 th time just for one day.
With the increase of the events, then extend for two days.
Since the 37th increase youth sports, extended to five days.
Which is the first day of the opening ceremony, held a sacrifice and the swearing-in ceremony, the 2nd, the specific content of three or four days is a game, the fifth day is the closing ceremony, prizes and worship god.

At present there are (not including the winter Olympics Olympic Games project) : track and field, swimming (including diving, water polo, synchronized swimming), shooting, weightlifting, bicycles, arche

The Olympic Games are a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Games are currently held every two years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games alternating, although they occur every four years within their respective seasonal games.

As the Chinese people, we should be proud of, because the Olympic Games to be grand in our countries, so everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the Olympic Games, then let us have a better understanding of the Olympic Games it.

1, the origins of the Olympic Games: Greeks in 776 BC provisions in Olympia every four years hold a Games. Until the year 394, Roman emperor was prohibited. 1875-1881, the German bank Di Wusi in the Olympic sites to explore the Archaeological Finds, has aroused worldwide interest. To this end, the French educator Pierre de Coubertin, should restore the ancient Greek tradition of the Olympic Games. So in June 1894 in Paris held its first international sports General Assembly, and in April 1896 in the Greek capital of Athens held the first modern Olympic Games.




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