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Chinese overseas students - the other effect on the world from China
标题:中国留学生 - 中国全球影响力的另一面

Nowdays, more and more Chinese students choose their future education in foreign countries. From elementary school to the colleges, from North America to Europe, from Tokyo to Seoul, the Chinese overseas students' footsteps travel all over the world.

By comparison with the old Chinese overseas students, the modern ones have new philosophy, world view and values. They are apt to adapt themselves to the new things; they are more creative and imaginative, and they can treat the Western society with more reason than their last generation. As the largest overseas students' group, they have become a symbol of the effect on the world from China. They not only accept the Western culture but also communicate Chinese culture.

The 21st century is the time of China Power. China has been increasing its strength and the people have been becoming more wealthier since Reform and Opening in 1978. Seeing the world, Chinese students will have more choices for their future.

Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one's ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from foreign countries, studying abroad can also enrich our lives. One coin has two sides. Likewise, different people have different minds. Conservative and negative concerns about studying abroad have been gradually emerging from our society. People start to wonder what goes wrong with studying abroad. There are a couple of issues worth of our discussions. Disadvantages of studying abroad may affect one's life culturally and economically. We Chinese will experience cultural shocks if we study abroad and live in another country. Some peers may not be able to adapt to a new environment of their studying and living, which may be very different from that of theirs. Life is beautiful, and it is hard. If one does not feel comfortable with the new culture of another country, he will not be happy about studying in that country. In addition, studying abroad can cost students a great deal of living expenses. Some Chinese students are so academically successful that they receive scholarships in their studies. However, most peers who study abroad do not receive scholarships. Furthermore, they have to deal with many unexpected hardships by living away from their parents and homeland. For example, medical insurance, daily foods, clothes, rents and transportation can generate a large amount of living expenses. Often time, they need to heavily depend on their parents' overseas monthly payments.
People all over the world shake hands for many difficult reason.We shake hands when we meet now pelple ,or during special fesital .Athletes often shake hands before or after games.Bussiness people shake hands when they make a deal .so as the english study ,difficult person have difficult plan.Frist ,english is one of the most important language in the world and it is very internasional .but in chinese education ,it has many trouble you know .so that is the reson to make the students go back to the china and go to any other country to study .that sounds good .because frist we can talk with many difficult person from any other country students . second we can study faster and improve our spoken .but we are too young to go to back baby sitting ourselves .we should change our lifestyle ,open the world eyes,if you are good at it .that is enough .but i will give you an advice .to bo outside make the parents worry about you .so we should usually call with our parent .tell them you are fine .pease do not worry about it .ok next i will tell you my thinking .i thing although chinese english education have many prouble but we can use anther thinking to deal with oue prouble .take it easy ok? because study english is not very difficult .you coud ask the taecher for some help ,make the flashcord. read language magazine .and so on ...

Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one's ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from foreign countries, studying abroad can also enrich our lives. One coin has two sides. Likewise, different people have different minds. Conservative and negative concerns about studying abroad have been gradually emerging from our society. People start to wonder what goes wrong with studying abroad. There are a couple of issues worth of our discussions. Disadvantages of studying abroad may affect one's life culturally and economically. We Chinese will experience cultural shocks if we study abroad and live in another country. Some peers may not be able to adapt to a new environment of their studying and living, which may be very different from that of theirs. Life is beautiful, and it is hard. If one does not feel comfortable with the new culture of another country, he will not be happy about studying in that country. In addition, studying abroad can cost students a great deal of living expenses. Some Chinese students are so academically successful that they receive scholarships in their studies. However, most peers who study abroad do not receive scholarships. Furthermore, they have to deal with many unexpected hardships by living away from their parents and homeland. For example, medical insurance, daily foods, clothes, rents and transportation can generate a large amount of living expenses. Often time, they need to heavily depend on their parents' overseas monthly payments.


  • 英语作文.越来越多大学生出国留学

  • 158文章网作文写作
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