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XX伴我成长 作文 600字左右 可转载



读书伴我成长 高尔基曾说过:“读书,这个习一为常的平凡过程,实际上是人的心灵和上下古今一切民族伟大 智慧的结合体。”以前我还不太明白这句话的含义。现在,我明白了,这菊花就是告诉我们, 读书伴我成长2 书是类指挥的结晶,是人类进步的阶梯,是人们的精神食粮。 我从呱呱降生开始便与书有着不解之缘:哺育我们的婴儿教育书;父母讲的故事书;哑哑学语的 未来是我们的 识字书;学龄前的连环画;上学时的课本;课外的各种散文、作文选、科普书、历史书和许多名著。 可以说书在我的成长中是比不可少的。 为崛起的中国喝彩 因此,我分外喜欢读书。尤其爱在傍晚和清晨读书。晨曦初露,斜椅桌边,任窗外黄叶如花,离 愁飘挂,我的新却固守着与书的约定。 读书活动之名人名言 或在傍晚,独坐窗前,听窗外西雨如诗,看书中人生如戏,“举身赴清池”、“自挂东南枝”的 无奈抉择,“卧薪尝胆数十载,三千越甲可吞吴”的坚韧毅力,“羽扇纶巾,谈笑间墙橹灰飞烟灭” 怎样阅读中外名著 的绝代风华,无一不让我惊叹!行行文字仿佛片片美丽的音符,奏出一曲曲深邃而悠远的天籁。 日复一日,我就这样在一片书香中体味着作品的精髓,艰深的文字不再是理解的障碍,读书对于 我来说更多的是一种需要, 而不是一种负担。 记得小时侯,我还不识字,妈妈就耐心的教我背唐诗,茶余饭后,妈妈便教我读《唐诗三百首》 里的唐诗,妈妈说一句我就鹦鹉学舌地模仿一遍…… 上小学前,我已可以独立看一些故事书了。 低年级时候,我识字已经很多了,便迷上了课谱书籍,妈妈就帮我买了一套《少儿百科全书》, 厚厚的几本,宇宙气象,人类文明,世界地理,这些知识书上都有。每书中的每个问题都说得非常详 细,真使人爱不释手。在如饥似渴阅读同时,我家又住进了e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94366一位新朋友——《新实际中国少儿十万个 为什么》。这套书又使我增长了许多知识。


Youth brawl come away buzzing. Cycle of the years, a blink of an eye changed to. Person's life to play various roles, children, adolescents, youth, the elderly ... ... That is life, one by one step, but also represents a time of growth, again and again to learn, again and again to see through.
Happiness is everyone eager mood, but they do not know, in fact they have them, and there is no happiness in life is not real life. Happy is indispensable for the growth of the incubator, only happiness can enrich a person's growth. If a people do not worry just happy, then I can say that it's not true happiness. Just as there are black white, there is darkness there is light the same. Joy and worry are two souls, only when one soul to another soul, according to withdraw when we can really go there only good soaring.
Growing happiness - Do you miss ... ...
When the 00:00 bell rang at that moment, it means that we have one-year-old Zhang. "Zhang, and we should behave oh." Discourse has been constantly ringing in the ears, then the familiar, yet so strange. Right, now that we have not that always crying child. The process of growing, we have learned so many feelings, affection, love, friendship. We know how to make up, to restore, but also learned how to learn to meet, learn tolerance. And this is worthy of our happiness, because the share of perseverance, would the stalemate. The process of growing, we also learned a lot of knowledge, Boundless Learning, knowledge too much, we could not finish school,
So it is the missing follow and want to know more, you want to learn more, that is happiness. Knowledge and constantly enrich our lives, and only it can bring us never had the satisfaction, as did the children get candy to be met. We have our ideals, we should seize the dazzling blossoming, we are not alone.
Growing worries - Do you have.
Everything has its shortcomings, the lack of growth is that trouble. But precisely because of this deficiency was to make things brighter and more colorful the original. Growth, which means goodbye to childhood. Childhood all the nostalgia that we are so, so very memorable. Childhood, there are far too many of our past, then joy, then get moving. There are those beautiful childhood doll, with cakes, with ice cream, toys, all in all, all we have owned, and the desire to continue. To grow, no doubt, put these have completely negated. It is just something to aspire to a dream had a mirror and then wake up when the fear. Growing,
We have been too many injuries, but remember that word, thank you hurt people, because they teach you something, understand something, which only rely on your own to experience.
The future of all the snow like fingers, if you do not clenched, and it will melt slowly from the loss of fingers, so seize it, do not let it leave regrets. Over the past all such superficial, and instantaneously disappeared, but had never forget the memories we have, it would be enough, is not it?
So leave enough memories of the past and used it to Zhaoche our growth path it, from time to time the pace of growth continued to ... ..题目是快e5a48de588b67a64339乐伴我成长


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