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英语作文,我的新年愿望,my new year's resolution,写出原因,不少于80词。



Christmas is coming, my wish is that the grandfather of the disease to a speedy recovery, the sister study to a higher level, parents can work well, the last hope for progress in their learning every day and happier for him.

Time flies, and came to the New Year. In the New Year, I have a total of two wishes, hope god can help me to achieve.

In the new semester, I wish first to increase the study result, like this the stair up, more and more good, for the realization of the desire to build the foundation. Wish is to have action, like mountain climbing you step, to climb up step by step with his feet, reached its pinnacle before he can see the most beautiful scenery in the distance, the most wide field of vision. We usually study also is such, only in earnest preparation before class, listen carefully in class, carefully review after class, to see have a good result at that moment, so, in the New Year, I hope my grades have greater progress

My new year's resolution(决心/诺言

The new year is coming.I'm looking forward to makeing more progress.I'm looking backward to the ending year,there is happiness ,there are regretable things.I hope to remember the happiness and forget the sadness..I will work hard in order to make more progress.I hope I go smoothly in this new year.




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