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奥运会是每个国家心中的梦,似乎奥运会意味着他们的地位。2001年7月13日从电视中看到国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇宣布2008年奥运会的举办城市是中国·北京时,许多中国人都激动的哭了,中国申奥成功了,我们终于盼到了这一天。 古代奥运会起源于古希腊,每四年举办一次,伊非图斯是创始人。公元393年,罗马皇帝狄奥多西一世下令终止了古代奥运会。举办了293届,历时1169年的古代奥运会从此消失了。顾拜旦1896年在雅典召开了第一届奥林匹克运动会,因此人们称他为“奥林匹克之父”。 中国北京的申奥成功,无疑是对中国人的肯定,它更加坚定了中国人在世界上的地位。2007年6月26日,第29届中国北京奥运会口号揭晓:同一个世界,同一个梦想。英文为:OneWorldOneDream.而北京奥运会的口号正体现了“绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运。”体现中国特色、北京特点、时代特征。 2008年8月8日8时8分8秒是13亿中国人民都向往的神圣时刻。那一刻,北京奥运会将在“鸟巢”正式启动。世界各国的体育健儿,走在这雄伟美丽的建筑中,体会着中华几千年的灿烂文化,我们将多么自豪!而离北京奥运会开幕只剩170多天了,我作为一名初中生,能够为此做些什么呢? 我想,既然是“绿色奥运”,就应当从环保做起。我决定从身边的小事做起,让身边的每一个人都学会处处环保。自打我向他们宣传绿色奥运后,隔壁的王奶奶去菜市场也不用一次性塑料袋了,而是拎一个小竹篮或者布袋子;王爷爷也很少抽烟了,说是要为城市增添一份绿色;孙婆婆家的孙子一放学就去院子里或是公园中捡一些白色垃圾袋,然后把它们埋在土里;朋友们一有空也去收集废弃电池;奶奶也经常捡一些易拉罐等等。他们都坚信,只要每个人都出一份力,每个人都捡起地上的一片垃圾,这样我们中国就一定会成为绿色社会。 奥运,2008年奥运,对于中国,对于世界,都不一般。世界上的人们说着不同的语言,有不同的肤色,但奥林匹克运动会给我们带来的是共同的欢乐。我感谢有人创造了“地球村”这个词它使我们世e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e336界各国的人民显得更加亲近。当奥林匹克圣火在北京点燃时,也许世界各国的友人都在用不同的语言在心里默念同一句话:同一个世界,同一个梦想。让我们共同期待着那一天的到来吧! The Olympic Games in my heart The Olympic Games are the hearts of the dream of every country, it seems that the Olympic Games means that their status. July 13, 2001 from the television to see the International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch announced that the 2008 Olympic Games host city Beijing is China, many Chinese people on both emotional tears, China's Olympic bid successful, we finally had Pandao This day. Ancient Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece, held once every four years, Iraq is the founder of the non-Tucci. In 393 AD, Roman Emperor Theodosius I ordered the termination of the West of the ancient Olympic Games. Held 293 sessions, which lasted 1169 from the ancient Olympic Games disappeared. Coubertin in 1896 in Athens held the first session of the Olympic Games, so people called him "the father of Olympic." Beijing, China's successful bid is certainly in the Chinese people, it further strengthened the Chinese people standing in the world. June 26, 2007, the 29th session of the Olympic Games in Beijing, China announced the slogan: One World, One Dream. English: OneWorldOneDream. And the Beijing Olympic Games is the slogan of "Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and People's Olympics." Embodied with Chinese characteristics, Beijing characteristics, the characteristics of the times. At 8:08:08 on August 8, 2008 is 1.3 billion Chinese people are longing for the sacred moment. That moment, the Beijing Olympic Games will be in the "nest" officially started. Countries in the world of athletes, and take in the beauty of this magnificent building, the experience of the splendid Chinese culture for thousands of years, how proud we will! And the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games only from the more than 170 days, and I as a junior, can do this? I would like to, since it is "Green Olympics", they should start from the environmental protection. I decided to start around the small, close to every person everywhere Institute of environmental protection. I Zida to promote Green Olympics, next door to Grandma Wang, markets do not have the disposable plastic bags, but Lin baskets or a small bag of Wang grandfather smoking a little, that is to add a green city ; Sun-mother-in-law's grandson went to a school yard or park in the seizure of some white garbage bags and then they are buried in the soil Lane; friends also a time to collect scrap batteries; she also often seized some Yi Laguan, etc. . They are convinced that as long as everyone is a force to each one of us to pick up ground in a litter, so that we in China will certainly become a green community. Olympic Games, 2008 Olympics, China, the world, not general. The world's people speak different languages, have different colour, but the Olympic Games has brought us together is the joy. I thank the people to create a "global village" the word it so that the people of our countries in the world is even more close. When the Olympic flame lit in Beijing, may have friends all over the world in a different language in his heart meditation with the sentence: One World, One Dream. Together, let us look forward to the day's Zhao Na Come!

I think hosting the Olympic games 2008 will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy.
First, there will be millions of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreginers will consume during their staying in China, for example, they eat foods in restaurants, live in hotels, they are like those travellers who visits China.
Second, the Olympic games creates more job opportunities for local workers. Olympic games ususlly requires a standard of the gymnasiums for the sport games, so there will be more building needed.
Third, the past data show most countries' economies improved after hosting an Olypmic games.
my Neighbourhood
I live in a neighbourhood now. My family moved here a year ago.From then on more and more people became our neighbours.Have a lot of different shops .It seems that our life gets more and more convenient. It is said that many tall buildings around here will be put up. It is reported that a new park in the north of our neighbourhood will be built soon. What a green and nice neighbourhood ours will be!

The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emerge in front of the entire world by the great show of opening ceremony by ZHANG YI MOU. The Game is unique, most countries and teams participating, longest relay, and most viewers in history. All people come to meet in Beijing from everywhere, competing and visiting during those exciting 16 days and nights. 1.4 billion Chinese welcome the world, every Chinese give out the passion, and show the proud of our great country. Every Chinese, from famous athlete to ordinary citizen, fulfill their dreams. The game is over; the flame is going on, the gorgeous paint that left by China will be imprinted on to everyone’s hearts.

这次赛事从张艺谋导演的盛大的开幕式开始。这次盛会是独特的,有史上最多的国家和团队参加,史上最长的火炬传递,和史上最多的电视观众观看。世界各地的人们聚集到北京,在那激动人心的16个日日夜夜里参加比赛或观看比赛. 14亿中国636f70797a686964616f331人民欢迎各国来客,从著名的运动员到最普通的公民,都实现了他们的愿望。 本界奥运结束了,火焰还在传递,中国留给世界人民的这一章华丽的印记永远不会被忘记。


  • 关于北京奥运会的英语作文70词左右

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • 奥运会是每个国家心中的梦,似乎奥运会意味着他们的地位。2001年7月13日从电视中看到国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇宣布2008年奥运会的举办城市是中国·北京时,许多中国人都激动的哭了,


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