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七年级英语作文 介绍中国



A country of eastern Asia. Its ancient civilization traditionally dates to c. 2700 b.c. . Beijing is the capital and Shanghai the largest city. Population, 1.295 billion.
Our term china for porcelain or ceramic ware is a shortening of chinaware and probably china dishes. Although the word china is identical in spelling to the name of the country, there are 16th- and 17th-century spellings like chiney, cheny, and cheney that reflect the borrowing into English of the Persian term for this porcelain, chºº.} The Persian word and the Sanskrit word cº³¡,} “Chinese people,”e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94332 which gave us the English name for the country, go back to the Chinese word Qin, the name of the dynasty that ruled China from 221 to 206 b.c.

The climate of China varies greatly. The northern zone has summer daytime temperatures of more than 30 degrees Celsius and winters of Arctic severity. The central zone has a temperate continental climate with very hot summers a。
Chinese Traditional food is mainly eaten on the New Year.
The nian gao is a sweet steamed(被动,蒸汽,水蒸气) sticky(粘性的,胶粘的) rice pudding(布丁). The zong zi is sticky rice wrapped(裹,捆) in
reed leaves. The man tou is steamead wheat(小麦) bread served with meat dumplings.Jiaozi is also a famous Traditional Chinese Food. It can be served by steaming or frying them.
The Chinese fried meat balls are prepared by mincing the meat and mixing it with variety of spices. Soya sauce, ginger and wine are its main ingredients(混合物). This preparation is eaten together by the family members to show love and care for the family members. The fish balls are also prepared in the same way by using fish instead of meat.

A variety of cakes are also made on special occasions(场合,时刻,时节). The Nian gao is a delicious cake made of rice flour(面粉,谷粉). It is similar to pudding. The fa gao cake is made from wheat flour. This cake is a symbol of prosperity. Spring rolls are eaten different variety of sauce(沙司,调味e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94335汁). They are also known as egg rolls. The filling comes in a variety. The Alabone meat is very tasty .It is also a part of the traditional Chinese food .Pomelo salads are made during festivals. Imperial Chicken, General Tso's Chicken, Hunan Beef are examples of traditional Chinese dishes.

China has the most population in the world It has 13 billion people.And the land is very large.It has 960 million kilometer land. China has different customs(习俗)7a64e4b893e5b19e362from other country. For example Spring Festival(春节)We should play firecrackers(放鞭炮)to celebreate(庆祝) the New Year's come.And we often give the Rea wrap(红包) to children. It called the gift moeny(压岁钱).China has own scenery(景点 ),too.For example,The Great Wall,The west lake,The Olympic Park and so on.

Welcome to China!China often give a wonderful welcome you!




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