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A Brief Summary of the Book” Jane Eyre”

First when I opened this very book, I knew I would love it. I’e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e336ve heard so many great stories about Charlotte Bronte and her two great sisters, who were all great women in the history of literature, and Jane Eyre is among one of their masterpieces.
The story happened in the 19th century during the Victorian period, which took place in the south of England that filled with criticism and depressed of the reality. However, that was also the budding stage of the self-consciousness of women. Jane Eyre was one of them.

The book Jane Eyre reveal the hypocritical of the charities, and carved the ordinary-looking Jane into an lovely woman, who was brave and independent enough to pursue her own freedom and happiness as a disadvantaged group member under such social condition. The whole book divided Jane’s whole life into five stages in chronologic order: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, Jane's education at Lowood School, Jane's time as governess at Thornfield Manor, Jane's time with the Rivers family, Jane's reunion with Mr. Rochester, which well introduced how came her angular and specific personality.

Everybody should be given a happy childhood for God’s sake, but unfortunately, Jane was not among those lucky ones. Tragedies happened one after another to this poor girl first when she came to this world. In their early years, both of Jane's parents died from typhus, which her father contracted whilst caring for the poor. Then the ten-year-old orphan started his life living with her aunt and her three children at Gateshead, which turned out not a happy cradle from the very beginning. Her aunt, Mrs. Reed, treats her as bad as a witch. Every time when she was not happy, she would vent her anger on small poor Jane and put Jane into a horrible red room where Jane’s uncle died. No matter how hard Jane tried, no mercy was owned. Moreover, bullied by her cousins time after time, she chose to be strong instead of surrender.

Since Mrs. Reed was so hatred to raise Jane, she finally decided to take other’s advice and sent Jane to a charity school, where was a quite important place for Jane that she met the two most important people in her life: Helen Burns and Miss Temple. They really helped her a lot when Jane was shouldered with the accusation of deceitful. But in a short while, her beloved Helen Burns died of typhus like Jane’s parents because of Mr. Brocklehurst's neglection and dishonesty. The only consolation for little Helen is that she died in her best friend Jane’s arms. After her death, Jane became more tough-minded and independent.

In the twinkling of an eye, eight years had passed by. Little Jane had grew up into a well-educated and graceful girl, who was capable enough to be a governess. Yeah, after two years’ teaching at Lowood School, she was soon employed by Alex Fairfax, who was the housekeeper of Thornfield Manor, as a governess for a lovely French girl Adèle Varens. And here at Thornfield Manor, she first experienced what equality was. Everybody, including her destined future husband Mr. Rochester, also her employer, the owner of the Manor, treated her without prejudice or hostility. She loved this place. The love was so deeply rooted in her heart that she could even feel this place even though she was far away from the Thornfield Mason. As a typical girl of braveness and impavidity, she finally told Mr. Rochester about her love to him. All people of good will have a good result. Mr. Rochester was also fall in love with this special girl first when he met her when he fall of the horse and broke his leg. They decided to get married. Nevertheless it was just the beginning of Jane’s real understanding of the long-lasting mysterious that existing in her mind. The crazy sound was not made by one of their servant, but Mr. Rochester’s insane wife.

All kinds of unexpected things happened one after another so soon, that Jane left Mr. Rochester in a mid-night without telling anyone. And then experiencing begging, teaching in a school, receiving heritage from her uncle, and all these happiness and unhappiness invaded her later life as a rich woman without getting any message of what happened in Thornfield Mason. Is she happy then? Who knows.

After once hearing Mr. Rochester calling her name instinctively, she finally what she really miss and what she exactly want. As a consequence, she went back to Thornfield in neat dress. What came into her eyes was a dead ruined mason without any vigor. What broke her heart most is the moment when she saw her beloved Mr. Rochester, who was half-blind without a hand. Jane eliminate his misgiving of his circumstance and prove him that she would still love him and would like to be him wife and grew old together with him no matter what happened. Ultimately, Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well. Mr. Rochester again processed, and recovered his eyesight little by little. They led a happy life ever after as prince and princess.

When finishing the whole book, I didn’t think I’ve just finish a story but experiencing a era of fighting for freedom, equality, and one’s own happiness. The images of Jane, Mr. Rochester, Helen, and Miss Temple will always rise in my head as the representative of the good spirits in England under that circumstance. To end this brief summary, I’d like to say that people like us, especially those who lived in a perfect harmonious and democratic society should learn from them, not only how to be a better man but also how to be ourselves.

a strong heart






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