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May 20, open to traffic and enter count-down with the Three Gorges Dam, the world largest dam and power station will become a new term on geographical books of countries all over the world this future. Medias such as " Washington Post ", Reuter, BBC, German TV station,etc. report one after another, " China will have finished the most grand project since the Great Wall soon ", will " totally tame this water course that has brought up and tormented the

额 ``zhidao` 肯能不对啊

Advantages:1、e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9361The great amount of water generates huge flow of hydro power.
2、The conservatory formed by the dam facilitates the fishing industry.
3、The dam also provides a best resort for tourism.
4、Serious floods in the lower part of Yangtze River would be regulated. 5、The dam helps clean the pile of sands in river beds in the lower part of the River.
1、The dam may be a potential target for foreign military attack.
2、It changes the climate in the upper part of Yangtze River.
3、Ecological conditions in the Yangtze River is greatly changed and many species become hard to survive.
4、Many tourist attractions are buried by the rise of water level.
5、Potential climate changes may cause other weather calamities and geological disasters.

Discuss pros and cons of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Project Abstract:The environmental impact of the Three Gorges Project pros and cons,the ecological balance in the regulation of the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.The Group noted that the Three Gorges Project Demonstration:beneficial effects mainly in the middle,including reducing flood damage to the ecological environment,reduce coal pollution of the environment,reduce siltation of Dongting Lake and so on.Adverse effects mainly in the reservoir area,in addition to farmland inundated,changing landscapes and large number of immigrants,the Shang Duizhen rare species,Tail floods,landslides,earthquakes,and so on terrestrial plants and animals have a certain influence.Keywords:pros and cons; ecology; pollution; disaster First,the Yangtze River Three Gorges Project benefits office:




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