拾金不昧 (给你三copy种译法)
1.not to pocket the money one has picked up
2.not pocket the money one picks up
3.return money found
In my memory,he is the person I admire most.
I remember once,he took the canteen to buy snacks be jubilant to come to school.Suddenly,he found in the campusnot far from there is a dark things.He is full of curiosity,so,he kicked the,did not think of,from the inside out of abulging wallet.He quickly picked up the wallet from the ground.Came to a lush tree,then,he have a look have a lookEast,west.Found nobody around.He sat under the tree and open the wallet at.Ah,he was shocked,there areseveral bank cards and some small change.This is a big temptation for him.However,he did not do so.But rathergive the money to the police.
This is the reason why I admire his.
在全力构建和谐校园的日子里,好人好事层出不穷,特别是在贵校学生中更加亮点频闪! 2011年12月30日下午2点左右,我开车到贵校体育馆办事,下车时不慎将装有4000元现金,数码相机,转帐支票,公章,信用卡等贵重物品的手包遗失,半个多小时后才发觉。 当时我心里很着急,心想总价值万余元的手包一定找不回来了。我抱着试一试的心情,回到下车的地方寻找。就在我心灰意冷的时候,贵校航天学院大三光电子三班的田育玮同e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e337学拾金不昧,拿着我的手包在丢失的地方等我,让我的手包失而复得。我当时就拿出现金感谢田育玮同学,被他一口拒绝了。在我的一再追问下,才告诉我他的姓名。惊喜之余我深深被田育玮同学这种拾金不昧的高尚品质所感动。这种行为充分体现了贵校学生高尚的道德情操和精神风貌,优秀品质和良好的社会公德。他的行为也是贵校精神文明建设成果的肯定。 本人恳请贵校对田育玮同学的行为给予表扬和肯定!因为在提倡和谐社会的今天,这种行为更是值得大力提倡和鼓励。 感谢贵校领导、老师以及孩子家长教育培养出这么优秀的青年,更感谢拾金不昧的田育玮同学,衷心祝他学习进步,学业有成。 我相信贵校有这样一支优秀的领导班子和良好的师资力量,贵校一定会在今后培养出更多像田育玮同学这样品学兼优的好学生。 最后我再次真诚地对田育玮同学说一声:“感谢!”
Early in the morning of Monday November 3rd 2003, when I was going to school with Zhang Hua, I happened to see a wallet on the road. I wasn't sure about the owner of it so I stayed there hoping that its owner may come back for it. But I can't stay too long because the class is about to start. There's a policeman near us, so we gave him the wallet. We didn't make it to the class in time but we aren't sad because we did something good.